Modern Developments in Fourier Analysis

During 2019 -- 2020 semester 2, I am running an advanced graduate course on Fourier analysis.

Time and location: Lectures begin on Tuesday 7th January 2020.
Lecture notes:

Lecture 1 Lecture 5 Lecture 9 Lecture 13 Lecture 17 Lecture 21 Lecture 25
Lecture 2 Lecture 6 Lecture 10 Lecture 14 Lecture 18 Lecture 22
Lecture 3 Lecture 7 Lecture 11 Lecture 15 Lecture 19 Lecture 23
Lecture 4 Lecture 8 Lecture 12 Lecture 16 Lecture 20 Lecture 24

References: Here are some references for additional material on topics covered in the course:

Lectures 1 - 3 Fefferman's paper, Tao's lecture notes (see Lecture notes 3)
Lecture 4 Wolff's survey, Tao's lecture notes (see Lecture notes 5)
Lectures 5-6 Cordoba's Bochner-Riesz argument, Tao's lecture notes (see Lecture notes 3), Gafakos (results on distributions).
Lecture 7 Tao's paper (Kakeya vs Nikodym), Kroc's masters' thesis (Kakeya vs Nikodym).
Lectures 8-9 Bougain-Guth paper, Tao's survey (bilinear methods).
Lecture 10 Sogge's book: Chapter 6 covers fix-time estimates. Seeger-Sogge-Stein.
Lectures 11-12 Square functions vs local smoothing: Mockenhaupt-Seeger-Sogge, Tao-Vargas. Cordoba's square function.
Lectures 13-18 Guth-Wang-Zhang, Lee-Vargas.
Lectures 19 Vaughan's book, Pierce's survey.
Lectures 20- Bourgain-Demeter-Guth, Guo-Li-Yung-Zorin-Kranich.

Overview: Recently, there have been a number of remarkable developments in euclidean harmonic analysis, related to the Fourier restriction conjecture. Broadly speaking, one is interested in studying functions \(f\) whose Fourier transform is supported in a neighbourhood of a submanifold of \(\mathbb{R}^n\), such as a paraboloid or a cone or a sphere. Such situations arise naturally in PDE, as well as in harmonic analysis and analytic number theory.

One of the goals of this course is to understand the so-called decoupling inequalities of Wolff and Bourgain-Demeter. The idea is that whilst \(f\) may be difficult to analyse, it can be broken up as a sum of pieces \(f_{\theta}\) which are much easier to understand (in particular, the pieces \(f_{\theta}\) are localised in frequency to small regions where the submanifold is essentially flat). The key question is then to understand how the various \(f_{\theta}\) interact with one another. In decoupling theory this is achieved via a norm inequality of the form \begin{equation*} \|f\|_{L^p(\mathbb{R}^n)} \lessapprox \Big(\sum_{\theta} \|f_{\theta}\|_{L^p(\mathbb{R}^n)}^2 \Big)^{1/2}. \end{equation*} The key feature of the above inequality is that an \(\ell^2\) expression appears on the right-hand side, rather than the trivial \(\ell^1\) expression given by the triangle inequality; this crucially takes into account complex destructive interference patterns between the different \(f_{\theta}\).
Decoupling theory has had a profound impact on a wide range of (ostensibly) distinct areas of mathematical analysis. A large portion of the course will investigate applications.

Possible topics include: A detailed syllabus can be found here.

A list of project titles can be found here.


E-mail: jonathan.hickman [at] ed [dot] ac [dot] uk

School of Mathematics,
James Clerk Maxwell Building,
The King's Buildings,
Peter Guthrie Tait Road,
EH9 3FD.
