Jonathan Hickman


I am a reader in the analysis group at the University of Edinburgh. Previously, I held postdoctoral positions in the University of Chicago, MSRI and the University of St Andrews. A CV can be found here.

PhD Opportunities

We encourage any interested students to apply to our programme, in particular women and members of underrepresented groups. There is no application fee and successful applicants are fully funded: see here for further details.


My interests lie in Euclidean harmonic analysis, in particular questions about operators whose definition depends on some submanifold of \(\mathbb{R}^n\) such as Fourier restriction/extension operators and generalised Radon transforms. I am also interested in discrete analogues of these objects.

Papers: research

Papers: expository

PhD supervision


I am an editor for Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (Section A), specialising in harmonic analysis. This is a generalist journal considering high quality submissions across the whole of mathematics. If you wish to submit a paper or feature article, please follow the instructions on the journal webpage.

Fourier analysis @200

Seminar / colloquia / working groups / network meetings

I am or have been involved in the organisation of the following:


During 2024/2025 I am teaching: Notes from advanced reading courses:



E-mail: jonathan.hickman [at] ed [dot] ac [dot] uk

Room 5322,
James Clerk Maxwell Building,
The King's Buildings,
Peter Guthrie Tait Road,
EH9 3FD.