School of Mathematics

Second Year Entry

Scottish degree programmes typically take four years to allow the option to study other subjects. However the School of Mathematics also offers options to complete degrees in three years.

For some of our programmes, it is possible to go directly into the second year and study an accelerated degree programme. On the accelerated programme, you will take Year 2 mathematics courses, plus dedicated accelerated courses which cover the key ideas from Year 1. The accelerated courses will take up most of the time typically allocated to outside subjects. However there is usually space in the timetable to study one outside course.

The main differences with Second Year Entry are that it shortens the length of your degree by a year, meaning the BSc degree takes three years and the MMath degree takes four. You will also study mostly mathematics from the start, rather than having a breadth of subjects available to you.

The accelerated programme is more demanding than our broad programmes and so has different entry requirements. These entry requirements can be found on the Undergraduate Degree Finder.

Undergraduate Degree Finder

Summary video

You can watch this video to get full insight into the Second Year Entry programme.

Student experience

Sometimes Second Year Entry students worry about social aspects of university life, and are sometimes worried that social groups have already been established.

On average we have 40-50 students following Second Year Entry. You will be with this group for the accelerated courses, and will get to know others taking the accelerated pathway. For all your other teaching, you will be taught alongside the rest of the Year 2 cohort, and will have a chance to integrate into the larger year group there.

Although technically in Year 2 of the programme, you are considered to be a first year in every other aspect. For example, you will be in halls of residence with other first years and will experience Welcome Week as a first year.

How to apply for Second Year Entry

A row of students sat taking notes in a lecture

If applying for Second Year Entry from the beginning, you can do this by selecting '2' as your 'Point of Entry' on your UCAS application. If you initially apply for the accelerated programme but do not meet our entrance criteria, you will automatically considered for entry into Year 1. If you apply and are made an offer, but do not meet the conditions of your offer, we will automatically consider you for entry to Year 1.

It is also possible to apply for Second Year Entry, but change your mind on arrival. Some students do this once they see the breadth of outside subjects available. This is possible in the first few weeks of the year.

If you apply for standard Year 1 entry to our programmes, but decide on arrival in Edinburgh that you would prefer Second Year Entry, it is usually possible to switch provided you have the necessary qualifications and do well in our diagnostic test. This is only possible in the first two weeks of the year.

If you have already applied for Year 1 entry but would like to be considered for Second Year Entry, please contact the admissions team at