Funding grant successes
Congratulations are due to Agata Smoktunowicz, Michael Wemyss, Aram Karakhanyan and Peter Richtarik for winning prestigious research grant.
Maths/Art project is blogged on AMS site
A maths/art project designed by the School of Mathematics Engagement Officer Julia Collins and artist Madeleine Shepherd has now made its way across the Atlantic ocean.
The Michael and Lily Atiyah Portrait Gallery
The Michael and Lily Atiyah Portrait Gallery opened on the 3rd floor of the James Clerk Maxwell Building on Monday 22nd April 2013, the 84th birthday of Sir Michael Atiyah.
Chancellor's Fellowships
Chancellor's Fellowship (five positions) [tenure-track posts at Lecturer or Reader level]. Applications are invited for up to five Chancellor's Fellowship posts in Mathematics. Each Fellowship provides a research-focused ...
Martin Takac is a finalist in the 16th IMA Leslie Fox Prize competition
Congratulations to Martin Takac for becoming a finalist in the 16th IMA Leslie Fox Prize competition.
This is an international competition of original research papers in numerical analysis, held bi-annually since 1985.
Past ...
Ph. D. Student Wins Prize for Talk
Eric Hall, a PhD student in Probability and Stochastic Analysis, received the prize for the best talk at the 6th Oxford University SIAM Student Chapter Conference on 15 February. The short talk, entitled Higher ...
Integrating twizzlers: new article published by student
Former Edinburgh student Nick Edelen has just published a paper based on work that he did during a summer project at the end of his third year here.
Summer student publishes article
Erik Paemurru, a Year 3 undergraduate, has posted a 25-page paper on "Del Pezzo surfaces in weighted projective spaces" on the Arxiv yesterday The paper grew out of a vacation project ...
Student article features in actuary magazine
Summer project student Ruth Penny has written an article about her work which was featured in The Actuary.
Young Researchers in Mathematics 2013 (17-20 June)
June 17-20: the University of Edinburgh will host the 2013 Young Researchers in Mathematics conference for UK-based mathematics graduate students and postdocs: The schedule is here. ...