Zoe Wyatt appointed as lecturer at KCL
Zoe Wyatt, a former PhD student in our school/MIGSAA, has been appointed as a lecturer in pure maths at KCL. Her research applies the analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations to problems in cosmology, particle physics, ...
Simon Wood and Ernst Wit have published a paper discussing whether R<1 before the English lockdowns
Simon Wood and Ernst Wit have published a paper in PLOS1 ( independently replicating and critiquing a major modelling study, from Neil Ferguson's Imperial ...
A team of PhD students, solvED, have won the First Place Prize at the 13th AIMMS-MOPTA Optimization Modelling Competition!
PhD students Yiran Zhu, Syu-Ning Johnn and Andrés Miniguano-Trujillo, with Dr Akshay Gupte acting as faculty supervisor, have won the First Place Prize at the 13th AIMMS-MOPTA Optimization Modelling Competition! This competition ...
Des Higham and Henry-Louis de Kergorlay have derived new results about the spread of disease in an article published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series A
Des Higham and Henry-Louis de Kergorlay in the University of Edinburgh, School of Mathematics, have derived new results about the spread of disease in an article recently published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series ...
Prof. Jacques Vanneste has published a paper titled "Vortex dynamics on a Mobius strip"
The paper "Vortex dynamics on a Mobius strip" published by Prof. Jacques Vanneste in July 2021 in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics examines the dynamics of a two-dimensional fluid in the shape of a Möbius strip. The non-orientability ...
Víctor Elvira has published a paper with a team of clinicians and statisticians titled "Risk and outcomes of COVID-19 in patients with multiple sclerosis"
Víctor Elvira has published a paper, in June 2021, with a team of clinicians and statisticians titled "Risk and outcomes of COVID-19 in patients with multiple sclerosis". This paper came out of a research project ...
Jan Sbierski awarded Royal Society University Research Fellowship
Jan Sbierski has been awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (URF) on "The strong cosmic censorship conjecture and weak null singularities". Jan is one of 37 newly appointed research fellows - spanning ...
Lukasz Szpruch is the PI for FAIR, a partnership between HSBC and the Alan Turing Institute
Lukasz Szpruch, Programme Director for Finance and Economics at the Alan Turing Institute, is the PI for FAIR a partnership between HSBC and the Alan Turing Institute. FAIR is one of eight business-led Prosperity Partnerships ...
Ivan Cheltsov has been awarded a Leverhulme Trust Research Project
Ivan Cheltsov has been awarded a Leverhulme Trust Research Project entitled "Abelian subgroups of the space Cremona group". A PhD student will start work on the project in September.
Ben Davison has been awarded the Sir Edmund Whittaker Prize by the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
Ben Davison has been awarded the Sir Edmund Whittaker Prize by the Edinburgh Mathematical Society in recognition of his outstanding research achievements in the fields of enumerative counting invariant in algebraic geometry and ...