Nick Sheridan named as a Simons Investigator in Mathematics
Nick Sheridan has been named as a Simons Investigator in Mathematics. Nick's work centres around Kontsevish's homological mirror symmetry conjecture, which posits a deep relationship between symplectic topology and algebraic ...
Avshalom Offner awarded Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship
Avshalom Offner has been awarded a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship entitled "Understanding the spread of respiratory droplets".
Cecilia Balocchi wins the Savage Award
Cecilia Balocchi was announced as the 2021 Savage Award winner in Applied Methodology during the ISBA 2022 World Meeting in Montreal. The Savage Award is jointly awarded by the International Society of Bayesian Analysis and American ...
A $76k donation from Invenia Labs has been received to support HiGHS.
Developed by Julian Hall and Ivet Galabova, using solvers written by Leona Gottwald, Michael Feldmeier and former PhD students of Julian Hall and Jacek Gondzio, HiGHS is the world's best open-source linear optimization software.
The school is featured in the latest National Grid ESO annual NIA report
The school of Mathematics and National Grid ESO are working together in the project "Optimal Outage Planning System" which has been featured in the latest annual NIA summary
London Mathematical Society Whitehead Prize for Prof. Hiro Oh
Congratulations to Prof. Hiro Oh! The London Mathematical Society has awarded him a Whitehead Prize.
Dr. John Pearson provided a plenary talk at Preconditioning Conference
Dr. John Pearson provided a plenary talk at the 12th International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for Scientific and Industrial Applications, titled "Advances in Block Preconditioning for Time-Dependent PDE-Constrained ...
Tudor Dimofte awarded EPSRC Fellowship
Tudor Dimofte has been awarded an EPSRC Open Fellowship entitled "3d N=4 TQFT's". The fellowship, worth over £1million, lies at the interface of pure mathematics (algebra, geometry and topology) and theoretical ...
Ben Davison, Jelle Hartong and Nick Sheridan have all had their Royal Society Fellowships renewed
Ben Davison, Jelle Hartong and Nick Sheridan have all had their Royal Society University Research Fellowships renewed for a further 3 years.
Finn Lindgren is collaborating on a Norwegian Research Council funded project
Finn Lindgren is collaborating with colleagues from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology on a Norwegian Research Council funded project entitled "Analysis of Public Transport Data: Building an Open-Source Library ...