Maxwell Colloquium 10 February: Modelling Collective Cell Motion
At 4pm on Tuesday, 10th February the Maxwell Institute will host a colloquium by distinguished professor Philip K. Maini from the University of Oxford, entitled "Case Studies in Modelling Collective Cell Motion".
Jakub KoneÄný: Best Contribution Prize 2015 International BASP Frontiers Workshop
Congratulations to Jakub KoneÄný, a PhD student in the School of Mathematics and Google Doctoral Fellow, who is the recipient of the Best Contribution Prize in the field of Signal Processing at the 2015 International ...
Dr. Leinster's letter to the Notices of the American Mathematical Society
Dr. Leinster of the School of Mathematics has published a letter in the February 2015 issue of the Notices of the American Mathematcal Society on The AMS Must Justify Its Support of the NSA. The views he expresses are his own, ...
Big day for big data: the Alan Turing Institute
The School of Mathematics will join with computer scientists at Edinburgh University, as well as partners at 4 other major UK universities (Cambridge, Oxford, UCL and Warwick) in realising the vision of the Alan Turing Institute as the UK's hub for new research in data science.
MIGSAA Graduate School Launch
On Wednesday 25th February, the official launch of the EPSRC/SFC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT), the Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Mathematical Analysis and its Applications (MIGSAA) will take place here in Edinburgh.
New BSc in Mathematics and Biology
The School of Mathematics is launching a new BSc degree in Mathematics and Biology for entry from 2015.
MIGSAA Open Day, Friday 9 January 2015
The Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Analysis and its Applications (MIGSAA) is holding an Open Day on Friday 9 January 2015, to give an opportunity for prospective students to meet staff and potential PhD supervisors at MIGSAA and to find out more about the School's areas of research.
School of Mathematics Celebrates REF2014 results
The Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences, a research partnership between the Universities of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt, is celebrating the results of the Research Excellence Framework (REF2014). These rank ...
Grant success: James Maddison
Congratulations to James Maddison, in collaboration with Patrick Farrell (University of Oxford), for their successful eCSE application: Parallel supermeshing for multimesh modelling. This project will also involve one researcher ...
ERC Starting Grant Success: Tadahiro Oh
Congratulations to Tadahiro Oh who has been awarded a five year ERC Starting Grant. 13 grants were awarded by the Mathematics Panel across the whole of Europe and there was only one other grant awarded in the UK. Hiro will ...