School of Mathematics

People A-Z

Iain Souttar

  • Postgraduate Student

Contact details

Research Interests

My first project consisted of proving a uniform in time error bound for Averaging for SDEs (see

My second project involves using PDMPs to model collective navigation of animals. By taking appropriate scaling limits, these models can motivate the study of novel averaging problems, specifically those for which the fast dynamics are non-ergodic.

Outside of this, my interests lie in a range of mathematical modelling and probability problems motivated by (and applied to) mathematical biology and ecology. I am also broadly interested in the philosophy of science, specifically in ethical issues related to decision making.

Research Groups

Biographical Statement

I am a final year PhD student, supervised jointly across Heriot-Watt university and the University of Edinburgh by Michela Ottobre and Ben Goddard respectively. As well as the above email, I am contactable at is79 at hw dot ac dot uk.


Dr Michela Ottobre and Dr Ben Goddard