School of Mathematics

People A-Z

Dr. Mike Allerhand

Contact details

Research Interests

Research Groups

Biographical Statement

I am a statistician with a background in statistical programming, modelling, numerical analysis, and pattern recognition, with substantial experience of consultancy, collaboration, and teaching.

Professional Activities

Data visualization, data reduction, and feature engineering. Mathematical modelling and machine learning for prediction and classification. Statistical modelling for inference and prediction. Expert R programmer with many years' experience applying these methods to a wide variety of data.

Education Background

BSc, PhD., Dip.Psych. (Warwick)(Cantab)(Open)

PhD and post-doc work at the University of Cambridge in computer speech pattern recognition and auditory modelling: multivariate statistics, machine learning, and pattern classification.

Previous Employment

Statistician for the Centre of Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology, (CCACE), in the University of Edinburgh,(2009-2018). Developing and fitting statistical models to a wide variety of data.