School of Mathematics

People A-Z

Dr. Paola Iannone

Photo of Paola Iannone
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Contact details

Research Interests

My research focuses on the teaching and learning of mathematics at university level and has three strands:

- summative assessment of mathematics at university - mathematical reasoning and technology in university mathematics teaching (use of automated theorem provers such as Lean - CAA assessment) - The transition from school to university mathematics In the first strand I am interested in the impact of the discipline of study and student epistemological beliefs on their perceptions of assessment. Much of my work in this field has been supported by the HEA. I am also interested in university students’ study habits when preparing for assessment and the use of automated assessment.

My second research interest is mathematical reasoning at post-compulsory level, with emphasis on the use of Interactive Theorem Provers Lean ( for teaching first year mathematics.

Current and Recent PhD Students

Samah Taha, Feedback in e-assessment. To complete 2026.

Saf Shah, Mathematicians' practices and proof. To complete 2024

Mohammad Turk, A comparative case study of engineering undergraduates: An exploration of learners’ epistemological beliefs and professional identity development. Completed April 2021.

Professional Activities

I am member of:

The London Mathematical Society The European Society for Research in Mathematics Education The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education – The British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Previous Employment

Loughborough University - 2016 - 2023 University of East Anglia - 2007 - 2016