About Us
The School of Mathematics is one of the world’s leading mathematical sciences departments, home to internationally excellent researchers and to an innovative educational environment for both undergraduates and postgraduates. Our location in the beautiful and historic capital of Scotland puts us in the centre of a vibrant community of academics, cultural institutions, industry partners and research institutes.

As a School we value both the breadth and depth of our mathematical research. We have over seventy permanent members of academic staff and over twenty research fellows and research associates, who come from across the world and together cover a broad range of research topics in pure and applied mathematics, operational research and statistics. Our Graduate School has over eighty research students and over one hundred MSc students, and our postgraduate provision has gone from strength to strength with the recent introduction of Doctoral Training Centres in Analysis and its Applications, and in Data Science. We have close links with the School of Informatics and are actively involved in current data science developments, particularly as one of the 5 UK-wide partners in the Alan Turing Institute.
The School is passionate about delivering a world-leading educational environment for its students and is constantly exploring new ideas in mathematical education in order to provide a stimulating learning environment. Quantitative skills have never been more in demand in the world, and our students graduate with strong skills in critical thinking, independent learning and communication. Within 6 months of graduating, 93% of our students are in full-time employment or study. In 2010 the Teaching Programme review "welcomed the excellent quality of education" provided by the School.