Research in the School is undertaken in a wide variety of areas of the mathematical sciences, including pure, applied, statistics, operational research as well as mathematical physics.
The research environment is enhanced by the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences and by close collaboration with Heriot-Watt University through the Maxwell Institute which was founded in 2005 following significant funding from the Scottish Funding Council. Researchers in areas of applied mathematics benefit from the proximity of strong research groups elsewhere in the University and from collaborative opportunities with local companies and other users of research.
For students considering PhD studies, our Graduate School is supervised by internationally-leading researchers spanning a wide spectrum of topics, making our School a world renowned centre of excellence in mathematics.
We work closely with many other mathematical and data-driven organisations within, or associated with, the University of Edinburgh, as well as Edinburgh Innovations, the University's commercialisation service.
We work with a wide number of external companies, organisations, charities and government departments on collaborative research projects, consultancy work and student activity.
The Analysis and Probability research theme covers a broad spectrum from harmonic analysis and probability theory to pure and applied PDEs, with applications in data science and machine learning, finance and economics.
The Applied and Computational Mathematics research theme combines expertise in dynamics, continuum and statistical mechanics, stochastic methods and advanced scientific computing to develop new techniques for applications such as data analytics, molecular dynamics, geophysical and astrophysical fluids, and material sciences.
The Data and Decisions research theme undertakes research at the forefront of modern mathematical and computational problems related to optimization, operational research, statistics and their application: core elements of Data Science.
The Technology Enhanced Mathematical Sciences Education research theme covers a broad spectrum of educational research within higher education mathematics, statistics and data science.