School of Mathematics


Edinburgh mathematics undergraduate on the arXiv

Published: Friday, 14 October 2011 Tags: news_article

Congratulations to Nick Edelen, a 4th year mathematics undergraduate, who has posted a paper A conservation approach to helicoidal surfaces of constant mean curvature in R^3, S^3 and H^3 on the arXiv, the main mathematics repository ...

Forensic statistics in the Guardian

Published: Monday, 3 October 2011 Tags: news_article

Colin Aitken, professor of forensic statistics, speaks in the Guardian about why he hopes the Appeal Court will reconsider a recent ruling on the use of Bayesian statistics in court.

Letters to the Prime Minister from UK mathematicians

Published: Wednesday, 21 September 2011 Tags: news_article

A letter to the Prime Minister signed by 25 leading UK mathematicians warns of the damage caused to the UK economy by the way EPSRC manages mathematical funding  - an example of a negative impact factor. The Guardian story ...

Public lecture: How To Gamble If You Must

Published: Monday, 5 September 2011 Tags: news_article

The university is hosting a public lecture today to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the death of The Reverend Thomas Bayes, an eminent statistician and former student of The University of Edinburgh

Legion d'honneur for Sir Michael Atiyah

Published: Wednesday, 14 December 2011 Tags: news_article

Congratulations to Sir Michael Atiyah, an Honorary Professor in the School, on his appointment as Grand Officier of the French Legion d'honneur. The French Ambassador presented Sir Michael with the insignia at the French ...

Exam results

Published: Wednesday, 3 August 2011 Tags: news_article

If you have a conditional offer of a place to study with us and have not met the conditions of the offer please contact our college admissions office to discuss your situation.

Bright Club Edinburgh

Published: Thursday, 28 July 2011 Tags: news_article

Hari Srithkantha was one of a group of academics who got up on stage and turned their research into stand-up comedy.

Leverhulme Award for Prof. Michael Singer

Published: Thursday, 14 July 2011 Tags: news_article

Congratulations to Professor Michael Singer on his award of a Leverhulme Research Fellowship to the value of £35,703 to support his research on Moduli spaces and Kaehler metrics over the period 1 September 2011 to 31 August ...

The unplanned impact of mathematics

Published: Wednesday, 13 July 2011 Tags: news_article

The July 13 issue of Nature has an article on the unplanned impact of mathematics including a contribution by Julia Collins on topology. See also http://plu ...

Andrew Thompson: SIAM UK Student Prize Winner

Published: Thursday, 7 July 2011 Tags: news_article

Congratulations to Andrew Thompson on his award of a Student prize for his excellent talk at the 24th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis.

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