School of Mathematics


Dr Paola Iannone to join TEMSE in Spring

Published: Thursday, 26 January 2023 Tags: jobs Maths Education

The School of Mathematics is delighted to announce that Dr Paola Iannone will be joining the School as a Reader in the Theme of Technology Enhanced Mathematical Sciences Education this Summer. Dr Iannone completed a first degree ...

Sergio Garcia Quiles elected as ORGS Chair

Published: Wednesday, 18 January 2023 Tags: Operational Research

Sergio Garcia Quiles has been elected as Chair of the Operational Research Group of Scotland (ORGS, Scotland - The OR Society) for the next three years. This is the regional division of the Operational Research Society (The Operational ...

Victor Elvira awarded Strategic Collaboration funding

Published: Wednesday, 18 January 2023 Tags: funding award

Victor Elvira has received funding from the University of Edinburgh - Rice University Strategic Collaboration programme. This one year project "Intelligent Particles: Learning to Design Adaptive and Online Particle Filters" ...

MSc dissertation model from Edinburgh showcased at The American Statistician

Published: Wednesday, 11 January 2023 Tags: Operational Research Probability Statistics MSc international outreach Maths Education

American Statistical Association journal publishes an article on the dissertation model from the MSc in Statistics with Data Science, from the School of Mathematics.

Miguel de Carvalho elected for the Council of the International Statistical Institute

Published: Monday, 5 December 2022 Tags: Computational Mathematics Optimization Probability Stochastic Analysis Statistics international outreach

Miguel de Carvalho has been elected a member of the prestigious Council of the International Statistical Institute

EMS Impact Prize awarded to Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt trio

Published: Friday, 2 December 2022 Tags: Applied Mathematics prizes

The 2022 Edinburgh Mathematical Society Impact Prize has been awarded to Amy Wilson, Chris Dent, and Stan Zachary (Heriot-Watt) who together have had a huge impact in improving electricity supply. The EMS introduced the Impact ...

Leverhulme Visiting Professorship for University of Cyprus' Nikolaos Tziolas

Published: Friday, 2 December 2022 Tags: Algebra Geometry international

Nikolaos Tziolas from the University of Cyprus has been awarded a Leverhulme Visiting Professorship in order to spend six months in the School collaborating with Ivan Cheltsov on algebraic varieties which are geometric shapes ...

Innovate UK AKT21 scheme awards funding for Ember project

Published: Friday, 2 December 2022 Tags: funding award

Goncalo dos Reis, Sergio Garcia and Joerg Kalcsics have been awarded funding from the first round of Innovate UK's Accelerated Knowledge Transfer to Innovate (AKT2I) pilot scheme. The aim of this pilot is to support a UK ...

Ilya Chevyrev awarded EPSRC New Investigator

Published: Friday, 2 December 2022 Tags: funding award

Ilya Chevyrev has been awarded an EPSRC New Investigator grant "Two-dimensional stochastic Yang-Mills equations". The goal of this project is to apply recent breakthroughs in stochastic partial differential equations to ...

Jacob Page awarded ERC Starting Grant

Published: Friday, 2 December 2022 Tags: funding award

Jacob Page has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant "MLTURB - A new understanding of turbulence via a machine-learnt dynamical systems theory". Turbulence at very large scales is a complex, nonlinear problem of fundamental ...

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