School of Mathematics


Showing news articles whose tags include: Tags: funding award

ERC Starting Grant Success

Published: Tuesday, 10 September 2024 Tags: Applied Mathematics funding award

Kaibo Hu has successfully received funding for his ERC Starting Grant "GeoFEM: Geometric Finite Element Methods".

Research Council Faroe Islands success for PhD Student

Published: Thursday, 22 August 2024 Tags: Graduate School funding award

Heidi Wolles Ljosheim has received funding from the Research Council Faroe Islands to support her PhD project 'Numerical methods for interacting particle systems and application to PDE-constrained optimization'.

Ivan Cheltsov awarded Simons Foundation Grant

Published: Thursday, 22 August 2024 Tags: Geometry funding award

Ivan Cheltsov has received a grant from the Simons Foundation as part of the Simons Collaboration on Moduli of Varieties.

Jonathan Hickman awarded EPSRC New Investigator

Published: Thursday, 22 August 2024 Tags: Algebra Analysis funding award

Jonathan Hickman has received an EPSRC New Investigator grant for his project ‘Algebraic Methods in Harmonic Analysis'.

New Centre for Investing Innovation research project launched

Published: Tuesday, 9 July 2024 Tags: funding award

The Centre for Investing Innovation, led by Centre Director Sotirios Sabanis, has announced the start of a new joint research project between abrdn and the University of Edinburgh. Researchers from the University's School ...

Big Ideas Accelerator Success

Published: Tuesday, 11 June 2024 Tags: funding award

The School has had two successes from the Big Ideas Accelerator Fund, the internal seed-funding scheme that aims to fuel innovative and disruptive projects that transcend traditional boundaries:

Amanda Lenzi will work in collaboration ...

EOLAS Insight Ltd Secondment for Torben Sell

Published: Tuesday, 11 June 2024 Tags: funding award

Torben Sell has received funding from the EPSRC IAA fund to enable him to undertake a secondment with EOLAS Insight Ltd. They will work together to assess the effectiveness of clustering algorithms in accurately predicting habitat ...

Cecilia Balocchi secures CSE-CMVM Immune Regulation Funding

Published: Tuesday, 11 June 2024 Tags: funding award

Cecilia Balocchi, in collaboration with Linus Schumacher, Centre for Regenerative Medicine and Prakash Ramachandran, Centre for Inflammation Research, has received funding from the CSE-CMVM Immune Regulation Pump Priming call ...

Royal Society International Exchange Awards

Published: Tuesday, 9 April 2024 Tags: funding award

The School has received two Royal Society International Exchange awards. Mariia Dvoriashyna - Transport of Solutes around the Brain Kaibo Hu - Iterative Solvers and Analysis for High-Frequency Hodge Wave Equations Congratulations ...

Leverhulme Research Fellowships

Published: Tuesday, 9 April 2024 Tags: Fellowship funding award

The School has received two Leverhulme Research Fellowships. Clark Barwick - Quantum Field Theories in Arithmetic via Factorization Structures Des Higham - A Numerical Analysis Treatment of Adversarial Perturbation in AI Congratulations ...

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