School of Mathematics


Chris Dent has been elected a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology

Published: Monday, 7 September 2020 Tags: Fellowship

Chris Dent has been elected a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Fellowships are awarded to high achievers - those respected professionals at the forefront of engineering, technology or cognate disciplines ...

Adri Olde Daalhuis has been awarded a three year grant by the National Institute of Standards and Technology

Published: Monday, 7 September 2020 Tags: funding award

Adri Olde Daalhuis has been awarded a three year grant by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The project titled 'Implementable Uniform and Exponentially-Improved Asymptotics' will aim to develop the first ...

Online Maths Circle

Published: Wednesday, 19 August 2020 Tags: outreach

On Wednesday 5th August Francesca Iezzi and the Maths Outreach Team ran their first virtual Maths Circle for children aged 7-14 and their families. The event was a virtual version of the popular Maths Circles. More than 150 people ...

Prof. Chris Dent on data, algorithms and 2020 national assessment

Published: Friday, 14 August 2020 Tags: Analysis Applied Mathematics Statistics

Prof. Chris Dent writes on the issues around award of marks for national high school exams in the UK under Covid.

Sjoerd Beentjes has collaborated with others on a paper; "Pervasive lesion segregation shapes cancer genome evolution"

Published: Thursday, 30 July 2020 Tags: Applied Mathematics Probability

Sjoerd Beentjes has collaborated with others, from across multiple Universities and Organisations, to produce an article discussing the effects of damage to DNA with regards to the development of cancer cells. This work took place ...

Andreas Grothey and Ken McKinnon have set up a Covid-19 related optimization model

Published: Friday, 24 July 2020 Tags: Operational Research Optimization MSc

Andreas Grothey and Ken McKinnon have set up an optimization model that finds the optimal Covid-19 intervention strategy for Scotland. This is achieved by considering the options of lockdown and contact tracing for different assumed ...

Three School of Mathematics students take part in MOPTA competition

Published: Friday, 17 July 2020 Tags: Operational Research Optimization international

The team "NP Die Hard", consisting of Paula Fermin Cueto, Ivona Gjeroska and Albert Sola from the SoM, have competed in the international MOPTA competition this year. They contested, with the help of their advisor Prof. ...

Students from across the University take part in DataFest @ EDI 2020

Published: Tuesday, 14 July 2020 Tags: Computational Mathematics Statistics undergraduate prizes

Dr. Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel organised and ran a Datafest event for students from the School of Mathematics and the rest of the University. This took place over two weeks between May the 30th and June the 13th 2020. Student's ...

LMS Fellowship won by Milena Hering

Published: Friday, 10 July 2020 Tags: Fellowship

Milena Hering has won an Emmy Noether Fellowship from the LMS.

LMS Prizes won by Ben Davison and Des Higham

Published: Monday, 6 July 2020 Tags: prizes

Congratulations to: Ben Davison who won one of this year's LMS Whitehead Prizes Des Higham who won the LMS Shephard Prize ( ...

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