School of Mathematics


Edinburgh Maths Circle visits local primary school

Published: Monday, 5 December 2016 Tags: outreach

On Thursday 25th November, staff from the School of Mathematics visited the Flora Stevenson Primary School to work with P5 pupils, as a part of the school's STEM Week.

Enrolment opens for School's Massive Open Online Course

Published: Monday, 21 November 2016 Tags: Statistics outreach

Enrolment is now open for the School's new Massive Open Online Course, Statistics: Unlocking the World of Data.

Notes of the School Whittaker Colloquium given by Edward Witten in May 2016

Published: Wednesday, 2 November 2016 Tags: Mathematical Physics

Notes of the School Whittaker Colloquium given by Edward Witten in May 2016

Nature Communications paper by Lyuba Chumakova

Published: Thursday, 27 October 2016 Tags: Applied Mathematics outreach

The paper Microtubule organization is determined by the shape of epithelial cells answers a long-standing question in cell biology, whether internal cellular structures (microtubulae cytoskeleton) control the shape of cells during ...

New research models the dispersion of pollutants in the streets of Manhattan

Published: Thursday, 13 October 2016 Tags: Applied Mathematics outreach

New research by Prof Jacques Vanneste of the School of Mathematics and Alexandra Tzella, formerly a postdoctoral researcher in the School and now a lecturer at the University of Birmingham, explains how pollutants would navigate streets in urban areas.

Julian Hall awarded prize for best paper of 2015 in Computational Optimization and Applications

Published: Tuesday, 11 October 2016 Tags: Optimization

Julian Hall, in collaboration with his former PhD student Qi Huangfu, has been awarded the prize for the best paper of 2015 in Computational Optimization and Applications. The article describes the novel numerical linear algebra techniques required by their efficient parallel implementation of the dual revised simplex method.

Lectureships in Algebra, Geometry & Topology and Related Fields

Published: Monday, 10 October 2016 Tags: Algebra Geometry Topology jobs

Applications are invited for 2 lectureships to work in the Hodge Institute. The positions are available to start on 1 August 2017 or by agreement. Exceptionally, the appointments may be to Readership.

Grant Success: Ben Leimkuhler

Published: Monday, 10 October 2016 Tags: Applied Mathematics Computational Mathematics funding award

Congratulations to Ben Leimkuhler who has been awarded an EPSRC three year responsive mode grant.

Grant Success: Michal Branicki

Published: Monday, 10 October 2016 Tags: Applied Mathematics funding award

Congratulations to Michal Branicki who has been awarded two travel grants from the Office of Naval Research.

Dr. Arend Bayer awarded the Whittaker Prize of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society

Published: Thursday, 15 September 2016 Tags: Geometry

Congratulations to Arend again! The Edinburgh Mathematical Society has awarded that the Whittaker Prize for 2016 to Dr. Arend Bayer, a Reader in the School of Mathematics. In 2013 he won an ERC starting grant, in 2015 the Cambridge ...

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