School of Mathematics


Showing news articles whose tags include: Tags: Geometry

Ivan Cheltsov awarded Simons Foundation Grant

Published: Thursday, 22 August 2024 Tags: Geometry funding award

Ivan Cheltsov has received a grant from the Simons Foundation as part of the Simons Collaboration on Moduli of Varieties.

University of Cambridge Adams Prize

Published: Tuesday, 9 April 2024 Tags: Geometry prizes

The University of Cambridge has announced the winner of one of its oldest and most prestigious prizes. The Adams Prize is awarded jointly each year by the Faculty of Mathematics and St John's College to UK-based researchers, ...

EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Small Grants Success

Published: Tuesday, 9 April 2024 Tags: Geometry Mathematical Physics Stochastic Analysis funding award

The School has received three awards from the EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Small Grants which funds original research projects or feasibility research studies. Congratulations to: Vanya Cheltsov - "K-stable Fano 3-folds" Hiro ...

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Algebra, Geometry and Quantum Fields announced

Published: Wednesday, 13 March 2024 Tags: Algebra Geometry Topology applicants Graduate School

The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Algebra, Geometry and Quantum Fields (AGQ), brings together researchers in fundamental mathematics and physics from the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, and Heriot-Watt University. Together ...

Count Me In research internship - applications open!

Published: Tuesday, 6 February 2024 Tags: Algebra Geometry Topology outreach

Applications are now open for 2024 Count Me In summer research internships. Count Me In is a 6-week cohort-based research internship in Edinburgh for aspiring undergraduates in algebra, geometry and topology. The aim of the programme ...

LMS Hardy Lecture at Edinburgh

Published: Monday, 11 September 2023 Tags: Geometry

We are delighted to host the LMS Hardy Lecture at Edinburgh on Tuesday 19 September. This will be a one-day event at the King's Building campus, with talks on symplectic and Poisson geometry, followed by the London Mathematical ...

ICBS Frontiers of Science Awards 2023

Published: Tuesday, 18 July 2023 Tags: Algebra Analysis Geometry prizes

Dr Jonathan Hickman, in collaboration with Dr Larry Guth of MIT and former UoE PhD student Marina Iliopoulou, has been awarded a Frontier of Science Award (FSA) for his 2019 paper - Sharp estimates for oscillatory integral operators ...

Leverhulme Visiting Professorship for University of Cyprus' Nikolaos Tziolas

Published: Friday, 2 December 2022 Tags: Algebra Geometry international

Nikolaos Tziolas from the University of Cyprus has been awarded a Leverhulme Visiting Professorship in order to spend six months in the School collaborating with Ivan Cheltsov on algebraic varieties which are geometric shapes ...

Adrián Doña Mateo awarded Robertson Medal

Published: Thursday, 17 November 2022 Tags: Geometry Topology Graduate School prizes

First-year PhD student Adrián Doña Mateo has been awarded the Robertson Medal for Science, Engineering and Technology by the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. The medal recognizes Adrián as the outstanding ...

Ana Rita Pires cited in Quanta Magazine Fibonacci article

Published: Thursday, 20 October 2022 Tags: Geometry

Ana Rita Pires' work on symplectic geometry as part of a 2019 Association for Women in Mathematics workshop has been cited in a Quanta Magazine article - "Mathematicians Discover the Fibonacci Numbers Hiding in Strange ...

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