School of Mathematics


Showing news articles whose tags include: Tags: Statistics

Filming begins for School's first MOOC

Published: Thursday, 21 July 2016 Tags: Statistics outreach

Filming has begun for the School of Mathematics' first Massive Open Online Course.

Leverhulme Grant Success: Colin Aitken

Published: Wednesday, 4 May 2016 Tags: Statistics Fellowship funding award

Congratulations to Colin Aitken who has been awarded a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship entitled 'Statistics and the evaluation of evidence for forensic scientists'.

Royal Statistical Society accreditation

Published: Tuesday, 2 February 2016 Tags: Statistics

The School's BSc in Mathematics and Statistics programme has recently been awarded Royal Statistical Society accreditation. The accreditation is based on the general depth, breadth, quality and foundation of the programme and its statistical content.

Lectureships and Professorship posts available in Statistics

Published: Monday, 21 December 2015 Tags: Statistics jobs

We are continuing to expand the Statistics Research Group and are currently advertising for two lectureships, while the post of Chair of Statistics will go live in early January.

Ruth King publishes in Biometrics

Published: Tuesday, 24 November 2015 Tags: Statistics

Congratulations are due to Ruth King who had the paper "Semi-Markov Arnason-Schwarz Models" accepted by Biometrics, one of the top five Statistics journals.

Drugs and the Statistics group

Published: Friday, 24 April 2015 Tags: Statistics

Adjacent papers in a recent issue of JRSS C from two members of the Statistics research group.

Statistical crime fighters: improving forensic science

Published: Friday, 17 April 2015 Tags: Statistics outreach

A version of a School of Mathematics REF impact case study by Prof Aitken accessible to the general public

School welcomes Ruth King, the new Thomas Bayes Professor of Statistics

Published: Tuesday, 10 March 2015 Tags: Statistics

Dr. Ruth King will be moving from St. Andrews to Edinburgh in September 2015 as our new Thomas Bayes Chair of Statistics.

Big day for big data: the Alan Turing Institute

Published: Monday, 2 February 2015 Tags: Analysis Applied Mathematics Computational Mathematics Topology Operational Research Optimization Stochastic Analysis Statistics

The School of Mathematics will join with computer scientists at Edinburgh University, as well as partners at 4 other major UK universities (Cambridge, Oxford, UCL and Warwick) in realising the vision of the Alan Turing Institute as the UK's hub for new research in data science.

Applications sought for joint post between the School of Mathematics and BioSS

Published: Wednesday, 5 November 2014 Tags: Statistics jobs

Principal Researcher in Applied Statistical Methodology, BioSS & Reader/Senior Lecturer in Statistics, University of Edinburgh We seek an applied statistician with a strong methodological background who will continue ...

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