School of Mathematics


Showing news articles whose tags include: Tags: Operational Research

MSc graduates make industry impact with award-winning operational research projects

Published: Thursday, 1 August 2024 Tags: Operational Research MSc prizes

Two recent MSc graduates from the School of Mathematics have been honoured by the Operational Research Society for their outstanding dissertations. Scott Jenkins was awarded the prestigious May Hicks Prize for Best Post-graduate Project, and Tom Murarik was named runner-up.

National Grid funding for Chris Dent and Gabi Hegerl

Published: Tuesday, 9 April 2024 Tags: Operational Research funding award

Chris Dent, in collaboration with Gabi Hegerl (School of GeoSciences) have been awarded funding from National Grid for their project "Thermal: Transmission Heat Effects, Resilience Measures to manage Asset Lifecycles". ...

OR Challenge 2024 winners announced

Published: Thursday, 7 March 2024 Tags: Operational Research undergraduate outreach

This year, our OR Challenge was run in partnership with Police Scotland, who proposed a resource allocation problem for the city of Glasgow. Participants were tasked with determining the optimal allocation of police officers to ...

EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account Funding Awards

Published: Monday, 24 July 2023 Tags: Operational Research Optimization funding award

Akshay Gupte, along with Andreas Grothey, Burak Buke and Alper Yldirim, have received EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account funding for a feasibility study with Applied Quantum Computing Ltd (AQC). The project will explore how the ...

Monse Guedes Ayala Awarded JSPS Predoctoral Fellowship

Published: Monday, 12 June 2023 Tags: Operational Research Graduate School international Fellowship

PhD Student Monse Guedes Ayala has been awarded a JSPS Predoctoral Fellowship to visit the RIKEN Centre for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) and The University of Tokyo for four months during the autumn term of 2023. She will ...

Edinburgh Mathematical Society 2022 Impact Prize

Published: Thursday, 11 May 2023 Tags: Operational Research Optimization prizes

Congratulations to Chris Dent, Amy Wilson and Stan Zachary (Heriot-Watt) who were awarded the Edinburgh Mathematical Society's 2022 Impact Prize. The Impact Prize recognises "the contribution of individuals, teams or partnerships ...

EPSRC IAA funding for Ember project

Published: Tuesday, 21 February 2023 Tags: Operational Research funding award

Goncalo dos Reis, Joerg Kalcsics and Sergio Garcia have received EPSRC IAA funding for a collaborative project with Ember, the UK's first all-electric intercity bus company. The project will work to (a) integrate vehicle ...

Sergio Garcia Quiles elected as ORGS Chair

Published: Wednesday, 18 January 2023 Tags: Operational Research

Sergio Garcia Quiles has been elected as Chair of the Operational Research Group of Scotland (ORGS, Scotland - The OR Society) for the next three years. This is the regional division of the Operational Research Society (The Operational ...

MSc dissertation model from Edinburgh showcased at The American Statistician

Published: Wednesday, 11 January 2023 Tags: Operational Research Probability Statistics MSc international outreach Maths Education

American Statistical Association journal publishes an article on the dissertation model from the MSc in Statistics with Data Science, from the School of Mathematics.

Chris Dent and Amy Wilson awarded £25,000 for Alan Turing Institute project

Published: Monday, 17 October 2022 Tags: Operational Research funding award

Chris Dent and Amy Wilson, jointly with Lucie Luecke and Gabi Hegerl in Geosciences, have been awarded £25,000 from the University's contribution to the Alan Turing Institute for a project on "Climate analysis for ...

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