School of Mathematics


Ilya Chevyrev awarded ERC Starting Grant

Published: Monday, 11 September 2023 Tags: funding award

Congratulations to Ilya Chevyrev who has been awarded an European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant for his work in stochastic quantum gauge theories.More information about the awards can be found on the ERC website: http ...

LMS Hardy Lecture at Edinburgh

Published: Monday, 11 September 2023 Tags: Geometry

We are delighted to host the LMS Hardy Lecture at Edinburgh on Tuesday 19 September. This will be a one-day event at the King's Building campus, with talks on symplectic and Poisson geometry, followed by the London Mathematical ...

Stefano Bruno and Sotirios Sabanis awarded a UK South Korea Collaborative R&D grant

Published: Thursday, 17 August 2023 Tags: international funding award

Stefano Bruno and Sotirios Sabanis have been awarded a UK South Korea Collaborative R&D grant by Innovate UK and KIAT (Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology), in collaboration with Neurolabs and their counterpart team ...

Simons Collaboration Grant for Tim Adamo

Published: Tuesday, 15 August 2023 Tags: Mathematical Physics funding award

Tim Adamo, jointly with 12 other PIs around the world, has won a Simons Collaboration grant on the topic of Celestial Holography. The collaboration will investigate novel structures in quantum field theories and physical observables ...

Chris Sangwin awarded IMA John Black University Teaching Medal

Published: Thursday, 10 August 2023 Tags: Maths Education prizes

Prof. Chris Sangwin has been awarded the 2023 IMA John Blake University Teaching Medal. The Medal, introduced in 2020, is "awarded to an individual in recognition of their significant and sustained contribution to the teaching ...

PhD Student Ruoyuan Liu awarded Sir William Darling Memorial Prize 2023

Published: Friday, 4 August 2023 Tags: Graduate School prizes

Our 2nd year Ph.D. student, Ruoyuan Liu, under the supervision of Prof. Tadahiro Oh, has been awarded this year's Sir William Darling Memorial Prize. This university-wide prize is awarded to an individual or group of students ...

Former PhD Student accepts Cambridge Assistant Professorship

Published: Friday, 4 August 2023 Tags: Graduate School jobs

We are pleased to announce that our former Ph.D. student Zoe Wyatt (Ph.D. in 2020 under the supervision of Dr. Pieter Blue) has accepted assistant professorship at the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics ...

Jonathan Hickman at the Séminaire Nicolas

Published: Friday, 4 August 2023 Tags: international

Jonathan Hickman presented at the prestigious Séminaire Nicolas Bourbaki on 01 April, 2023, at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris. This seminar dates back to the 1940s and the original Bourbaki group; speakers are ...

EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account Funding Awards

Published: Monday, 24 July 2023 Tags: Operational Research Optimization funding award

Akshay Gupte, along with Andreas Grothey, Burak Buke and Alper Yldirim, have received EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account funding for a feasibility study with Applied Quantum Computing Ltd (AQC). The project will explore how the ...

INI Funding for Burak Buke

Published: Monday, 24 July 2023 Tags: Stochastic Analysis funding award

Burak Buke has been awarded funds by the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences to set up a UK Research Network in Stochastics. The goal of the network will be to establish a connection among probabilists all around ...

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