School of Mathematics


Communicating statistics, risk and uncertainty in the age of Covid - Prof. David Spiegelhalter

Published: Monday, 22 June 2020 Tags: Applied Mathematics Statistics Graduate School

The Centre for Statistics is excited to announce our next lecture: ‘Communicating statistics, risk and uncertainty in the age of Covid', with the inimitable Prof. David Spiegelhalter.

Victor Elvira awarded an ARL Grant

Published: Tuesday, 16 June 2020 Tags: Computational Mathematics Statistics

Victor Elvira has been awarded an ARL grant, by the Network Science and Intelligent Systems Division, to research "Combining particle filters for Bayesian inference in multiple complex models". In this project, we will ...

Michal Branicki awarded an ONR Grant

Published: Thursday, 11 June 2020 Tags: Applied Mathematics Probability

Michal Branicki has been awarded an ONR grant, by the Applied and Computational Analysis Division, to research "Geometry of information flow and uncertainty quantification for robust neural network architectures in deep learning". This ...

Dr Skarleth Carrales has been allocated a grant to develop a tool to support communities in Edinburgh hampered by COVID-19

Published: Wednesday, 10 June 2020 Tags: Analysis Statistics funding award

Dr Skarleth Carrales has been allocated a grant, £12,904, to develop an innovative tool to support communities in Edinburgh hampered by COVID-19. This work is a collaborative effort between the School of Mathematics, the ...

Goncalo dos Reis awarded an Impact Acceleration Grant (IAA)

Published: Thursday, 4 June 2020 Tags: Applied Mathematics Computational Mathematics funding award

Goncalo dos Reis was awarded an Impact Acceleration Grant (IAA) to research Data and Analytical tools required to develop and run advanced Machine Learning models to accurately predict the end of Lithium lon Cell's useful ...

MIGSAA students pass vivas

Published: Wednesday, 3 June 2020 Tags:

The following MIGSAA students passed their vivas: Miles Savva (April), Tim Hurst (May) (2015 MIGSAA Cohort) Jakub Stocek (May) (2016 MIGSAA cohort)

Timo Hanninen has been awarded a prestigious 5-year Academy of Finland Personal Fellowship

Published: Thursday, 28 May 2020 Tags: Fellowship

Timo Hanninen, until recently a postdoc with Tony Carbery, has been awarded a prestigious 5-year Academy of Finland Personal Fellowship. It was one of only two or three awarded in mathematics this year, with around 25 awards altogether ...

Unlocking the workforce

Published: Monday, 18 May 2020 Tags: Operational Research Statistics

Professor Miguel Anjos, Dr Lars Schewe, Albert Solà Vilalta and Dr Amy Wilson have contributed to a white paper on guiding principles in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis, as part of a Virtual Study Group (VSG). The paper, titled ...

A collaboration between the Schools of Mathematics, Engineering and Dukosi has resulted in a paper: "Identification and machine learning prediction of knee-point and knee-onset in capacity degradation curves of lithium-ion cells"

Published: Tuesday, 12 May 2020 Tags: Operational Research Statistics

A collaboration between the Schools of Mathematics, Engineering and a local company Dukosi ( has resulted in a paper, titled 'Identification and machine learning prediction of knee-point and knee-onset ...

Miguel de Carvalho has been awarded the Lindley Prize

Published: Wednesday, 29 April 2020 Tags: Geometry Probability Stochastic Analysis Statistics international prizes

Miguel de Carvalho has been awarded the Lindley Prize for the article "On the Geometry of Bayesian Inference"

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