School of Mathematics


Showing news articles whose tags include: Tags: Operational Research

Impact Accelaration Account Funding Success

Published: Monday, 5 February 2018 Tags: Operational Research Optimization Probability funding award

Jacek Gondzio and Sotirios Sabanis have been awarded a £124k IAA project to work with Aberdeen Standard Investments on an asset portfolio optimisation project.

Scientists outline plans to reduce the environmental footprint of Brazilian beef

Published: Tuesday, 23 May 2017 Tags: Operational Research Optimization

Julian Hall and PhD student, Rafael de Oliveria Silva, with co-authors from SRUC, the University of York and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation have published a paper on how the country's farmers can meet the rising demands for beef without increasing the amount of farming space used.

Grant Success: Sergio Garcia, Joerg Kalcsics and Jacek Gondzio

Published: Friday, 19 May 2017 Tags: Operational Research Optimization funding award

Sergio Garcia, Joerg Kalcsics and Jacek Gondzio have been awarded an EPSRC grant "IP-Match: Integer Programming for Large and Complex Matching Problems" worth over £0.5M.

Chris Dent awarded Chartered Engineer status

Published: Monday, 20 March 2017 Tags: Operational Research Optimization

Congratulations to Chris Dent on being awarded Chartered Engineer status.

Standard Life Investments jointly funding project

Published: Monday, 20 March 2017 Tags: Operational Research Optimization Probability funding award

Congratulations to Sotirios Sabanis and colleagues Jacek Gondzio, Joerg Kalcsics and Sergio Garcia for receiving funding from Standard Life Investments.

Grant Success: Jacek Gondzio

Published: Monday, 20 March 2017 Tags: Operational Research Optimization funding award

Congratulations to Jacek Gondzio who has been awarded a Google Faculty Research Award.

SIGEST award for Peter Richtarik and Olivier Fercoq

Published: Monday, 25 April 2016 Tags: Operational Research

Peter Richtarik, a Lecturer at the School of Mathematics, and his colleague and former postdoc Olivier Fercoq, now Assistant Professor at Telecom ParisTech, will receive the SIGEST Award of the Society for Industrial and Applied ...

EPSRC Grant Success: Ken McKinnon and Andreas Grothey

Published: Friday, 18 March 2016 Tags: Operational Research funding award

Congratulations to Ken McKinnon and Andreas Grothey who are Co-Investigators in the recently awarded Centre for Energy Systems Integration.

Lectureship in Operational Research

Published: Wednesday, 2 March 2016 Tags: Operational Research jobs

The School of Mathematics invites applications from highly qualified candidates for a fixed term (2.5 years) lectureship in operational research.

Ph.D. student paper in Nature Climate Change

Published: Monday, 25 January 2016 Tags: Operational Research Graduate School

Rafael Silva is the lead author on an article published on 18 January in Nature Climate Change.

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