Showing news articles whose tags include: Statistics
PhD studentship funded by BT
Dr Amy Wilson is lead supervisor on a new PhD studentship part funded by BT.
Impact Acceleration Account Secondment Awarded
Dr Tim Cannings successfully applied for an EPSRC IAA secondment with Cambridge Cancer Genomics (CCG).
Ruth King gives an ICMS Public Lecture: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Bayesian Statistics
Ruth King presented a public lecture at the ICMS on the 5th February. Ruth talked about "The Rise and Fall and Rise of Bayesian Statistics" describing the basic underlying principle on which Bayesian statistics relies ...
Centre for Statistics: joint research day
A joint research day between the Centre for Statistics and the Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences took place on Tuesday 20th November 2018. The scope of the meeting was to promote interdisciplinary research across the University ...
Sara Wade elected secretary of the Bayesian nonparametric section of ISBA
Congratulations to Dr Sara Wade who has been elected Secretary of the Bayesian Nonparametric Section of the International Society of Bayesian Analysis. The purpose of the Bayesian Nonparametrics Section of ISBA is to promote research ...
APEX Grant Awarded
Congratulations to Ioannis Papastathopoulos who has been awarded an APEX grant.
Turing fellowships awarded
Congratulations to Tim Cannings, Ruth King, Ben Leimkuhler, John Pearson, Amy Wilson and Kostas Zygalakis who have all been awarded Turing Fellowships.
ISBA 2018, Edinburgh
The world meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) took place in June 24-29, 2018. The organization of the event was lead by Miguel de Carvalho (School of Mathematics), in a joint collaborative effort ...
Impact Acceleration Account Funding Success - Amy Wilson and Chris Dent
Amy Wilson and Chris Dent have been awarded funding from the IAA and Mass Spec Analytical.
Dr Newman joins the Natural Environment Research Council's Special Committee on Seals
Dr Ken Newman has accepted an invitation to become a member of the Natural Environment Research Council's Special Committee on Seals (SCOS) for a three year term starting in 2018. The SCOS meets annually, typically in September, ...