School of Mathematics

Miguel de Carvalho has been awarded the Lindley Prize

Miguel de Carvalho has been awarded the Lindley Prize, jointly with G. L. Page and B. Barney, for their article On the Geometry of Bayesian Inference; the article was published in Bayesian Analysis, the journal of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA). The award is given by the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA). As it reads on the website of ISBA:

"The Lindley Prize is awarded for innovative research in Bayesian Statistics [...] Award winning papers present research in Bayesian statistics that is is judged important, timely and notably original; truly innovative work will be judged more highly than successful development of ideas previously exposed.

The Prize is named for Dennis V. Lindley, and recognizes the impact and importance of his work in the foundations, theory and application of Bayesian Statistics, and his marked influence on the evolution and spread of the discipline, over many decades."

Winners will be announced in the ISBA Bulletin in June 2020, the official ceremony will take place in June 2021.

A copy of the article is available from the following link:
