

King, R. and McCrea, R. S. (2019) "Capture-recapture: Methods and Models" in Handbook of Statistics Volume 40; pp 33-83.

Newman, K. B., Buckland, S. T., Morgan, B. J. T., King, R., Borchers, D. L., Cole, D. J., Besbeas, P. T., Gimenez, O. and Thomas, L. (2014) Modelling Population Dynamics: Model Formulation, Fitting and Assessment using State-space Methods. Springer - 215 pages.

King, R. (2011) "Statistical Ecology" in Handbook of Markov chain Monte Carlo Eds. Brooks, Gelman, Jones and Meng. CRC Press - pp 419-447.

King, R., Morgan, B. J. T., Gimenez, O. and Brooks, S. P. (2009) Bayesian Analysis for Population Ecology. CRC Press - 456 pages.

Papers in submission

Margaritella, N., Inacio, V. and King, R. (2024) A Bayesian functional PCA model with multilevel partition priors for group studies in neuroscience -- in submission.


In press

Herliansyah, R., King, R., Aulia Rahman, D. and King, S. E. (In press) Animal Density Estimation for Unmarked Populations using a Spatially Explicit Model. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, in press.


Akeresola, R., Butler, A., Jones, E., King, R., Elvira, V., Black, J. and Robertson, G. (2024) Validating Hidden Markov Models for Animal Behavioural Inference. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e11116.

King, R., McCrea, R. S. and Overstall, A. M. (2024) Discussion to "The Central Role of the Identifying Assumption in Population Size Estimation". Biometrics, 80, ujad032.


Borowska, A. and King, R. (2023) Semi-complete Data Augmentation for Efficient State-space Model Fitting. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 32, 19-35.

Frost, F., McCrea, R. S., King, R., Gimenez, O. and Zipkin, E. F. (2023) Integrated Population Models: Achieving their Potential. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 17:6.

Grove, T., King, R., Stevenson, A. and Henry, L. (2023) A Decade of Humpback Whale Abundance Estimates at Bermuda, an Oceanic Migratory Stopover Site. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9:971801.

King, R., Sarzo, B. and Elvira, V. (2023) When Ecological Individual Heterogeneity Models and Large Data Collide: An Importance Sampling Approach. Annals of Applied Statistics, 17, 3112-3132.

Llewellyn, M., King, R., Elvira, V. and Ross, G. (2023) A Point Mass Proposal Method for Bayesian State-Space Model-Fitting. Statistics and Computing, 33, 111.

McCrea, R. S., King, R., Graham, L. and Borger, L. (2023) Guest Editor's Introduction to the Special Feature on "Realising the Promise of Large Data and Complex Models". Methods for Ecology and Evolution, 14, 4-11.

Newman, K., King, R., Elvira, V., de Valpine, P., McCrea, R. S., and Morgan, B. J. T. (2023) State-space Models for Ecological Time-series Data: Practical Model-fitting. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, 26-42.


Fung, Y. L., Newman, K. and King, R. (2022) Bulding Integral Projection Models with Non-independent Vital Rates. Ecology and Evolution, 12:e8682.

Grove, T., King, R., Stevenson, A. and Henry, L. (2022) Reconstructing Abundance Trends of Humpback Whales at an Oceanic Migratory Stopover. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9:9781801

Herliansyah, R., King, R. and King, S. E. (2022) Laplace Approximations for Individual Heterogeneity Capture-Recapture Models. Journal af Agricultural, Biological, and Ecological Statistics, 22, 401-418.

Mews, S., Langrock, R., King, R. and Quick, N. (2022) Multi-state Capture-recapture Models for Irregularly Sampled Data. Annals of Applied Statistics, 16, 982-998.


Margaritella, N., Inacio, V. and King, R. (2021) Parameter Clustering in Bayesian Functional Principal Component Analysis of Neuroscientific Data. Statistics in Medicine 41, 167–184.

Pohle, J., Langrock, R., van der Schaar, M., King, R. and Jensen, F. H. (2021) A Primer on Coupled State-switching Models for Multiple Interacting Time Series. Statistical Modelling 21, 264-285.

Sarzo, B., King, R., Conesa, D. and Hentati-Sundberg, J. (2021) Correcting Bias in Survival Probabilities for Partially Monitored Populations via Integrated Models. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 26, 200-219.

Sharifi Far, S., King, R., Bird, S. M., Overstall, A. M., Worthington, H. and Jewell, N. P. (2021) Multiple Systems Estimation for Modern Slavery: Robustness of List Omission and Combination. Crime and Delinquency, 67, 2213-2236.

Sharifi Far, S., Papathomas, M. and King, R. (2021) Parameter Redundancy and the Existence of the Maximum Likelihood Estimates in Log-linear Models. Statistica Sinica 31, 1125-1143.

van de Schoot, R., Depaoli, S., Gelman, A., King, R., Kramer, B., Martens, K., Tadesse, M. G., Vannucco, M., Veen, D., Willemsen, J. and Yau, C. (2021) Bayesian Statistics and Modelling. Nature Reviews Methods Primers 1, 1.

Worthington, H., King, R., McCrea, R. S., Smout, S. C., and Pomeroy, P., P. (2021) Modelling Recruitment of Birth Cohorts to the Breeding Population: A Hidden Markov Model Approach. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 900698.

Worthington, H., McCrea, R. S., King, R. and Vincent, K. (2021) How Ecological Models can Inform Multiple Systems Estimation Efforts. Crime and Delinquency 67, 2278-2294.

Zhang, S. X., Durgana, D. P. and King, R. (2021) Methodological Challenges and Innovations in the Application of Multiple Systems Estimation (MSE) to Measure Modern Slavery in Developed Countries - Preface for the Special Issue: Applying Multiple Systems Estimation to Measure Modern Slavery: Methodological Challenges and Innovations, Crime and Delinquency 67, 2167-2168.


Overstall, A. M. and King, R. (2020) Discussion to Silverman. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 183 728-9.

Sarzo, B., Conesa, D. and King, R. (2020) Cormack-Jolly-Seber Models with Age as Temporal Scale: Changing the Perspective. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 34, 1683-1698.

Smout, S. C., King, R. and Pomeroy, P. P. (2020) Linking Environment-sensitive Mass Changes Influence Breeding Frequency in a Capital Breeding Marine Top Predator. Journal of Animal Ecology 89, 384-396.


Amoros Salvador, R., King, R., Toyoda, H., Kumada, T., Johnson, P. and Bird, T. G. (2019) A Continuous-time Hidden Markov Model for Cancer Surveillance using Serum Biomarkers with Application to Hepatocellular Carcinoma. METRON 77, 67-86.

Finke, A., King, R., Beskos, A. and Dellaportas, P. (2019) Efficient Sequential Monte Carlo Algorithms for Integrated Population Models. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 24, 204-224. arXiv

Nightingale, G. F., Illian, J. B., King, R. and Nightingale, P. (2019) Area Interaction Point Processes for Bivariate Point Patterns in a Bayesian Context. Journal of Environmental Statistics, volume 9, issue 2.

Swallow, B., Buckland, S. T., King, R. and Toms, M. P. (2019) Assessing Factors Associated with Changes in the Numbers of Birds Visiting Gardens in Winter: Are Predators Partly to Blame? Ecology and Evolution 9, 12182-92.

Worthington, H., McCrea, R. S., King, R. and Griffiths, R. (2019) Estimating Abundance from Multiple Sampling Capture-recapture Data via a Multi-state Multi-period Stopover Model. Annals of Applied Statistics 13, 2043-64.

Worthington, H., McCrea, R. S., King, R. and Griffiths, R. (2019) Estimation of Population Size When Capture Probability Depends on Individual States. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 24, 154-172.


Bird, S. M. and King, R. (2018) Multiple Systems Estimation (or Capture-recapture Estimation) to Inform Public Policy. Annual Review of Statistics and its Application 5, 95-118.


Bird, T., Lyon, J., Wotherspoon, S., King, R. and McCarthy, M. (2017) Accounting for False Mortality in Telemetry Tag Applications. Ecological Modelling 355, 116-125.

Hooten, M. V., King, R. and Langrock, R. (2017) Guest Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue on "Animal Movement Modeling". Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 22, 224-231.

Patterson, T. A., Parton, A., Langrock, R., Blackwell, P. G., Thomas, L. and King, R. (2017) Statistical Modelling of Individual Animal Movement: An Overview of Key Methods and a Discussion of Practical Challenges. Advances in Statistical Analysis 101, 399-438.


King, R. and Langrock, R. (2016) Semi-Markov Arnason-Schwarz Models. Biometrics 72, 619-628.

King, R., McClintock, B. T., Kidney, D. and Borchers, D. L. (2016) Capture-recapture Abundance Estimation using a Semi-complete Data Likelihood Approach. Annals of Applied Statistics 10, 264-285.

Michelot, T., Langrock, R., Kneib, T. and King, R. (2016) Maximum Penalized Likelihood Estimation in Semiparametric Capture-recapture Models. Biometrical Journal 58, 222-239.

Oedekoven, C. S., King, R., Buckland, S. T., Mackenzie, M. L., Evans, K. O. and Burger Jr., L. W. (2016) Using Hierarchical Centering to Facilitate a Reversible Jump MCMC Algorithm for Random Effects Models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 98, 79-90.

Swallow, B. T., Buckland, S. T., King, R. and Toms, M. P. (2016) Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling of Continuous Non-negative Longitudinal Data with a Spike at Zero: An Application to a Study of Birds Visiting Gardens in Winter. Biometrical Journal 58, 357-371.

Swallow, B., King, R., Buckland, S. T. and Toms, M. P. (2016) Identifying Multi-species Synchrony in response to Environmental Covariates. Ecology and Evolution 6, 8515-8525.


Nightingale, G. F., Illian, J. B. and King, R. (2015) Pairwise Interaction Point Processes for Modelling Bivariate Spatial Point Patterns in the Presence of Interaction Uncertainty. Journal of Environmental Statistics Volume 7, issue 3.

Worthington, H., King, R. and Buckland, S. T. (2015) Analysing Mark-Recapture-Recovery Data in the Presence of Missing Covariate data via Multiple Imputation. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 20, 28-46.


King, R. (2014) Statistical Ecology. Annual Review of Statistics and its Application 1, 401-426.

King, R., Bird, S. M., Overstall, A. M., Hay, G. and Hutchinson, S. J. (2014) Estimating Prevalence of Injecting Drug Users and Associated Heroin-related Death Rates in England Using Regional Data and Incorporating Prior Information. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A 77, 209-236.

King, R. and McCrea, R. S. (2014) A Generalised Likelihood Framework for Partially Observed Capture-recapture-recovery Models. Statistical Methodology 17, 30-45.

Langrock, R., Hopcraft, J. G. C., Blackwell, P. G., Goodall, V., King, R., Niu, M., Patterson, T. A., Pedersen, M. W., Skarin, A. and Schick, R. S. (2014) Modelling Group Dynamic Animal Movement. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5, 190-199.

Oedekoven, C. S., Buckland, S. T., Mackenzie, M. L., King, R., Evans, K. O. and Burger Jr., L. W. (2014) Bayesian Methods for Hierarchical Distance Sampling Methods. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 19, 219-239.

Overstall, A. M. and King, R. (2014) conting: An R Package for Bayesian Analysis of Complete and Incomplete Contingency Tables. Journal of Statistical Software 58, issue 7.

Overstall, A. M. and King, R. (2014) A Default Prior Distribution for Contingency Tables with Dependent Factor Levels. Statistical Methodology 16, 90-99.

Overstall, A. M., King, R., Bird, S. M., Hutchinson, S. J. and Hay, G. (2014) Incomplete Contingency Tables with Censored Cells with Application to Estimating the Number of People who Inject Drugs in Scotland. Statistics in Medicine 33, 1564-1579.


King, R., Bird, S. M., Overstall, A. M., Hay, G. and Hutchinson, S. J. (2013) Injecting Drug Users in Scotland, 2006: Number, Demography, and Opiate-related Death-rates. Addiction Research and Theory 21, 235-246.

Langrock, R. and King, R. (2013) Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Mark-recapture-recovery models in the Presence of Continuous Covariates. Annals of Applied Statistics 7, 1709-1732.

McClintock, B. T., Russell, D. J. F., Matthiopoulos, J. and King, R. (2013) Combining Individual Animal Movement and Ancillary Biotelemetry Data to Investigate Activity Budgets at the Population-level: An Application to Harbor Seals. Ecology 94, 838-849.


King, R. (2012) A Review of Bayesian State-Space Modelling of Capture-Recapture-Recovery Data. Interface Focus 2, 190-204.

King, R., Illian, J. B., King, S. E., Nightingale, G. F. and Hendrichsen, D. K. (2012) A Bayesian Approach to Fitting Gibbs Processes with Temporal Random Effects. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 17, 601-622.

Langrock, R., King, R., Matthiopoulos, J., Thomas, L., Fortin, D. and Morales, J. M. (2012) Flexible and Practical Modeling of Animal Telemetry Data: Hidden Markov Models and Extensions. Ecology 93, 2336-2342.

McClintock, B. T., King, R., Thomas, L., Matthiopoulos, J., McConnell, B. J. and Morales, J. M. (2012) A General Discrete-Time Modeling Framework for Animal Movement Using Multi-State Random Walks. Ecological Monographs 82, 335-349.

Robinson, R. A., Baillie, S. R. and King, R. (2012) Population Processes in European Blackbirds Turdus merula: A State-space Approach. Journal of Ornithology 152, 419-433.


Reynolds, T. J., Harris, M. P., King, R., Swann, R. L., Jardine, D. C., Frederiksen, M. and Wanless, S. (2011) Among-colony Synchrony in Seabird Survival Reflects Shared Wintering Areas. Ibis 153, 818-831.

Smout, S. C., King, R. and Pomeroy, P. P. (2011) Integrating Heterogeneity of Detection and Mark Loss to Estimate Survival and Transience in UK Grey Seal Colonies. Journal of Applied Ecology 48, 364-372.

Smout, S. C., King, R. and Pomeroy, P. P. (2011) Estimating Demographic Parameters for Capture-Recapture Data in the Presence of Multiple Mark Types. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 18, 331-347.

2010 and earlier

Bird, S. M., Hay, G., Hutchinson, S. and King, R. (2010) Missing Targets on Drugs-related Deaths, and a Scottish Paradox. International Journal of Drug Policy 21, 155-159.

Bonner, S. J., Morgan, B. J. T. and King, R. (2010) Continuous Covariates in Mark-Recapture-Recovery Analysis: A Comparison of Methods. Biometrics 66, 1256-1265.

Cave, V. M., King, R. and Freeman, S. N. (2010) An Integrated Population Model from Constant Effort Bird-Ringing Data. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 15, 119-137.

Gramacy, R. B., Samworth, R. J. and King, R. (2010) Importance Tempering. Statistics and Computing 20, 1-7.

Pomeroy, P. P., Smout, S. C., Moss, S., Twiss, S. and King, R. (2010) Low and Delayed Recruitment at Two Grey Seal Breeding Colonies in the UK. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 42, 125-133.

Baillie, S. R., Brooks, S. P., King, R., Thomas, L. (2009) Using a State-space model of the UK Song Thrush Turdus philomelos Population to Diagnose the Causes of a Population Decline. In Modeling Demographic processes in Marked Populations Thomson, D. L., Cooch, E. G. and Conroy, M. J. (Eds). Springer Series: Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Volume 3, pp543-564.

Cave, V. M., Freeman, S. N., Brooks, S. P., King, R. and Balmer, D. E. (2009) On Adjusting for Missed Visits in the Indexing of Abundance from `Constant Effort' Ringing. In Modeling Demographic processes in Marked Populations Thomson, D. L., Cooch, E. G. and Conroy, M. J. (Eds). Springer Series: Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Volume 3, pp951-966.

Gimenez, O., Bonner, S., King, R., Parker, R. A., Brooks, S. P., Jamieson, L. E., Grosbois, V., Morgan, B. J. T. and Thomas, L. (2009) WinBUGS for Population Ecologists: Bayesian Modelling using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Methods. In Modeling Demographic processes in Marked Populations Thomson, D. L., Cooch, E. G. and Conroy, M. J. (Eds). Springer Series: Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Volume 3, pp885-918.

King, R., Bird, S. M., Hay, G. and Hutchinson, S. (2009) Estimating Current Injectors in Scotland and their Drug-related Death Rate by Sex, Region and Age-group via Bayesian Capture-recapture Methods. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 18, 341-359.

Reynolds, T. J., King, R., Harwood, J., Frederikesen, M., Harris, M. P. and Wanless, S. (2009) Integrated Data Analyses in the Presence of Emigration and Tag-loss. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 14, 411-431.

Brooks, S. P., Freeman, S. N., Greenwood, J. J. D., King, R. and Mazzetta, C. (2008) Quantifying Conservation Concern - Bayesian Statistics and the Red Data Lists. Biological Conservation 141, 1436-41.

King, R. and Brooks, S. P. (2008) On the Bayesian Estimation of a Closed Population Size in the Presence of Heterogeneity and Model Uncertainty. Biometrics 64, 816-824.

King, R., Brooks, S. P. and Coulson, T. (2008) Analysing Complex Capture-Recapture Data in the Presence of Individual and Temporal Covariates and Model Uncertainty. Biometrics 64, 1187-1195.

King, R., Brooks, S. P., Mazzetta, C., Freeman, S. N. and Morgan, B. J. T. (2008) Identifying and Diagnosing Population Declines: A Bayesian Assessment of Lapwings in the UK. Journal of Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 57, 609-632.

King, R., Brooks, S. P., Morgan, B. J. T. and Coulson, T. (2006) Factors Influencing Soay Sheep Survival: A Bayesian Analysis. Biometrics 62, 211-220.

King, R., Bird, S. M., Brooks, S. P., Hutchinson, S. J. and Hay, G. (2005) Prior Information in Behavioural Capture-Recapture Methods: Demography Influences Injectors' Propensity to be Listed on Data Sources and their Drugs-related Mortality. American Journal of Epidemiology 162, 694-703.

King, R. and Brooks, S. P. (2004) Bayesian Analysis of Hector's Dolphins. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27, 343-354.

King, R. and Brooks, S. P. (2004) A Classical Study of Catch-Effort Models for Hector's Dolphins. Journal of the American Statistical Association 99, 325-333.

Brooks, S. P., King, R. and Morgan, B. J. T. (2004) A Bayesian Approach to Combining Animal Abundance and Demographic Data. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27, 515-529.

Brooks, S. P., Friel, N. and King, R. (2003) Classical Model Selection via Simulated Annealing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 65, 503-520.

King, R. and Brooks, S.P. (2003) Closed Form Likelihoods for Arnason-Schwarz Models. Biometrika. 90, 435-444.

King, R and Brooks, S.P. (2003) Survival and Spatial Fidelity of Mouflon: the Effect of Location, Age and Sex. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 8, 486-513.

King, R. (2002) Discussion to Brooks, Giudici and Roberts. Journal of Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 65, 50.

King, R. and Brooks, S.P. (2002) Bayesian Model Discrimination for Multiple Strata Capture-Recapture Data. Biometrika 89, 785-806.

King, R. and Brooks, S.P. (2002) Model Selection for Integrated Recovery/Recapture Data. Biometrics 58, 841-851.

King, R. and Brooks, S.P. (2001) On the Bayesian Analysis of Population Size. Biometrika 88, 317-336.

King, R. and Brooks, S.P. (2001) Prior Induction in Log-Linear Modelling. Annals of Statistics 29, 715-747.

Encyclopaedia Entries

King, R. and Overstall, A. (2015) "Population Size Estimation and Capture-Recapture Methods" - invited entry for International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 603-608

King, R. (2005) Invited contributions: "Capture-recapture Data" and "Akaike's Information Criterion" - Encyclopaedic Companion to Medical Statistics, Eds: Everitt and Palmer; Hodder Arnold.