School of Mathematics


Showing news articles whose tags include: Tags: Geometry

Maths Week Scotland a huge success for the Outreach Team

Published: Wednesday, 5 October 2022 Tags: Geometry Topology outreach Maths Education

Our Mathematics Outreach Team has contributed to the nationwide initiative Maths Week Scotland with a wide range of in person and online events for people of all ages and backgrounds. Our program included workshops for teachers ...

Nick Sheridan named as a Simons Investigator in Mathematics

Published: Friday, 22 July 2022 Tags: Algebra Geometry Fellowship

Nick Sheridan has been named as a Simons Investigator in Mathematics. Nick's work centres around Kontsevish's homological mirror symmetry conjecture, which posits a deep relationship between symplectic topology and algebraic ...

Tudor Dimofte awarded EPSRC Fellowship

Published: Friday, 10 June 2022 Tags: Algebra Geometry Topology Mathematical Physics Fellowship

Tudor Dimofte has been awarded an EPSRC Open Fellowship entitled "3d N=4 TQFT's". The fellowship, worth over £1million, lies at the interface of pure mathematics (algebra, geometry and topology) and theoretical ...

New papers in top journals Inventiones and JAMS by School members

Published: Tuesday, 1 March 2022 Tags: Geometry Stochastic Analysis

Congratulations to Prof. Hiro Oh and Dr. Yvain Bruned for publishing papers in the prestigious Inventiones Math and Journal of the American Mathematical Society. Hiro's paper "Optimal integrability threshold for Gibbs ...

Prof. Arend Bayer will be an invited speaker at the International Mathematical Congress (ICM) in July 2022

Published: Monday, 13 December 2021 Tags: Geometry

Prof. Arend Bayer will be an invited speaker at the International Mathematical Congress (ICM) in July 2022 in St. Petersburg. The ICM is held every four years, and is the only global congress covering the entire breadth of mathematics. Arend ...

Matias Ruiz has been awarded a Saltire Early Career Fellowship by the Royal Society of Edinburgh

Published: Thursday, 14 October 2021 Tags: Applied Mathematics Geometry Fellowship

The purpose of these fellowships is to allow early career researchers an opportunity to focus on a research project of their choice in a university or research institute in another country, thereby supporting career development ...

Milena Hering awarded EPSRC Early Career Fellowship

Published: Thursday, 8 April 2021 Tags: Algebra Geometry Fellowship

Milena Hering has been awarded an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship worth over £1million. The grant entitled "Toric vector bundles: Stability, Cohomology and Applications" will study vector bundles on a class of varieties ...

Student Research Article - Emil Have

Published: Thursday, 29 October 2020 Tags: Geometry

PhD Student Emil Have has written the following article as part of our series of Student Research Articles! My research concerns string theory in a broad sense. One of the particular areas that I study is the "holographic ...

Dr. Miguel de Carvalho awarded the Lindley Prize

Published: Wednesday, 23 September 2020 Tags: Geometry prizes

Miguel de Carvalho has been awarded the Lindley Prize, jointly with G. L. Page and B. Barney, for their article On the Geometry of Bayesian Inference; the article was published in Bayesian Analysis, the journal of the International ...

Miguel de Carvalho has been awarded the Lindley Prize

Published: Wednesday, 29 April 2020 Tags: Geometry Probability Stochastic Analysis Statistics international prizes

Miguel de Carvalho has been awarded the Lindley Prize for the article "On the Geometry of Bayesian Inference"

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