School of Mathematics


Showing news articles whose tags include: Tags: Algebra

Milena Hering awarded EPSRC Early Career Fellowship

Published: Thursday, 8 April 2021 Tags: Algebra Geometry Fellowship

Milena Hering has been awarded an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship worth over £1million. The grant entitled "Toric vector bundles: Stability, Cohomology and Applications" will study vector bundles on a class of varieties ...

Agata Smoktunowicz has been awarded an EPSRC research grant entitled Quantum Integrability from Set Theoretic Yang-Baxter & Reflection Equations

Published: Tuesday, 5 January 2021 Tags: Algebra Mathematical Physics

Agata Smoktunowicz has been awarded an EPSRC research grant entitled Quantum Integrability from Set Theoretic Yang-Baxter & Reflection Equations. The grant, in collaboration with Anastasia Doikou and Robert Weston, Heriot-Watt ...

Academic Interview - Iain Gordon

Published: Thursday, 19 November 2020 Tags: Algebra

Becky Nisbet has written the following article as part of our series of Academic Interviews; featuring our Head of School Iain Gordon! Recently, I spoke with the Head of the School of Mathematics here at the University of Edinburgh, ...

Simons Collaboration on Homological Mirror Symmetry awarded to Nick Sheridan

Published: Wednesday, 11 September 2019 Tags: Algebra Geometry funding award

Nick Sheridan has been awarded funding worth over £250,000 as part of the Simons Collaboration on Homological Mirror Symmetry.

ERC Starting Grant Awarded to Nick Sheridan

Published: Wednesday, 11 September 2019 Tags: Algebra Geometry Fellowship funding award

Nick Sheridan has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant worth over £1 million entitled ‘Homological mirror symmetry, Hodge theory and symplectic topology'.

LMS Berwick Prize Awarded

Published: Wednesday, 31 July 2019 Tags: Algebra prizes

Clark Barwick has been awarded the LMS Berwick prize.

ERC Consolidator Grant Awarded

Published: Tuesday, 4 December 2018 Tags: Algebra Geometry Fellowship funding award

Arend Bayer has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant worth almost 2 million euros.

IAD Action Fund grant awarded

Published: Monday, 5 November 2018 Tags: Algebra Geometry Topology funding award

Congratulations to Andrea Appel who has been awarded an Action Fund grant by the Institute for Academic Development.

2018 Award of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences awarded to Agata Smoktunowicz

Published: Monday, 27 August 2018 Tags: Algebra prizes

Congratulations to Agata Smoktunowicz who has been awarded the 2018 Award of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Cecil King Travel Scholarship awarded to Simon Crawford

Published: Tuesday, 1 May 2018 Tags: Algebra Geometry prizes

Congratulations to Simon Crawford who has been awarded this year's LMS Cecil King Travel Scholarship.

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