School of Mathematics

Prof Ruth King as guest editor of the special issue of the Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics

Professor Ruth King was a guest editor, with Mevin Hooten (U.S. Geological Survey and Colorado State University) and Roland Langrock (Bielefeld University) of the special issue of the Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics for statistical advances in animal movement modelling. Tracking technology allows scientists to get precise locations of animals at certain times. As technology advances, the quantity of data that scientists can record increases. The information gained from tracking data provides an incomplete picture, but statistical models can fill in the gaps to infer what animals are doing when, what resources they are utilising, and why. Such information is invaluable to wildlife managers. Statistical models also provide detailed uncertainty estimates for the missing information so that responsible management decisions can be made. The cutting edge research of key scientists working on these problems features in the just published Special Issue on Animal Movement Modelling of the Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental StatisticsĀ 


Their methods are applied to such diverse populations as harbour porpoise, fur seals, sea lions, elk, muskox, domestic sheep, garter snakes, guppies, and ants. The various papers have been brought together through the efforts of the three guest editors, Mevin Hooten with the U.S. Geological Survey and Colorado State University, Prof Ruth King at the University of Edinburgh, and Prof Roland Langrock at BielefeldUniversity.