import data.real.basic open function (surjective) open nat (succ) -- Lean reference manual: -- Mathlib documentation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Notation -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Whenever you see a symbol you are not sure how to type, hover over it for a second and instructions -- on how to type it will appear. /- `λ` Introduce the arguments of a function. When we write mathematics, it is commond to define a function with an expression of the form `x ↦ y`. In Lean, this is written `λ x, y`. This is the proof term equivalent to the `intros` (or `rintros`) tactic. -/ def add_one_example : ℕ → ℕ := λ n, n + 1 example (P Q : Prop) : P → (P → Q) → Q := λ hp hpq, hpq hp /- `by`, `begin` and `end` These keywords are used to enter tactic mode wherever a proof term is expected. Use `by` when one tactic is enough to prove the goal. Use a `begin` - `end` block for longer proofs. Inside a `begin` - `end` block, all tactics must end with a comma (`,`). You can group tactics using `{` and `}`. -/ example (a : ℕ) : a = a := by refl example (a b c : ℕ) (hab : a = b) (hbc : b = c) : a = c := begin rw hab, rw hbc, end /- `have` Introduces an intermediate goal that becomes an available assumption once proved. `suffices` Similar to `have`, but first must prove how assuming the intermediate goal is enough to prove the final goal. Use `{` and `}` to focus on the first goal, if there are more than one goals. If you don't name your intermediate goal, it will automatically be named `this`. -/ example {a b c : ℝ} (hab : a ≤ b) : c + a ≤ c + b := begin rw ← sub_nonneg, have key : (c + b) - (c + a) = b - a, { ring, }, rw key, rw sub_nonneg, exact hab, end -- Taken from Tutorials project -- Note the difference between this example and the previous one. example {a b c : ℝ} (hab : a ≤ b) : c + a ≤ c + b := begin rw ← sub_nonneg, suffices : (c + b) - (c + a) = b - a, { rw this, rw sub_nonneg, exact hab, }, ring, end /- `let` Introduces a local definition within a proof. Use it to define custom notation inside a proof. `set` Like `let`, but also creates an assuptiom containing the equality defined. -/ example : ∃ x : ℕ, x + 2 = 8 := begin let a : ℕ := 3 * 2, use a, -- same as `use (3 * 2)` refl, end -- Taken from Theorem proving in Lean example : ∃ x : ℕ, x + 2 = 8 := begin set a : ℕ := 3 * 2 with ha, use a, -- same as `use (3 * 2)` rw ha, refl, end /- `calc` Write down a step by step chain of equalities or inequalities, justifying each step. Be careful about where you need `,` and where you don't! Also, you must write `...` on the left- hand side after the first step. The justification of each line after `:` expects a proof term, so make sure to write `by` if you need to use a tactic. -/ example {a b : ℝ} (ha : 0 ≤ a) : b ≤ a + b := begin calc b = 0 + b : by rw zero_add -- no `,` after intermediate steps; ... ≤ a + b : add_le_add_right ha b, -- `,` at the end because this is the end of a tactic end -- where we see the entire `calc` block as a tactic. -- Taken from Tutorials project /- `_` The underscore caracter is used to create a 'hole'. This takes the place of a proof term. When a hole appears, Lean tries to find something that could fill it. In most cases, if it can't fill it, Lean will create a new goal for us, with the expected type of the whole. This can be useful when we are unsure what type Lean is expecting somewhere, or to defer proof obligations until later in the proof. -/ #check mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left example (a b c d : ℝ) (hbc : b ≤ c) (hca : a^2 * c ≤ d) : a^2 * b ≤ d := begin calc a^2 * b ≤ a^2 * c : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left hbc _ -- for this lemma to apply, we need `a^2 ≥ 0` ... ≤ d : hca, -- Since Lean couldn't fill the whole two lines above, we need to do it ourselves now. exact sq_nonneg _, -- in this case, Lean is able to infer that this hole must have the value `a` end /- `{}` and `@` Definitions (of lemmas, functions, etc.) can have arguments given implicitly, when the context is enough to infer what they must be. Whenever you want Lean to guess an argument automatically you put it inside `{}` in your definition, instead of `()`. If you are calling a lemma or function that was defined with implicit arguments but you wish to provide those arguments explicitly, you can prepend its name with `@` to require all arguments explicitly. If this gives two many arguments, remember you can use `_` to ask Lean to guess individual ones. -/ lemma nat_nonneg_example {a : ℕ} : 0 ≤ a := nat.zero_le a example (a : ℕ) : 0 ≤ a := nat_nonneg_example -- we did not have to provide `a` as an argument example (a : ℕ) : 0 ≤ a := @nat_nonneg_example a -- using `@` forces us to provide all arguments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Common tactics -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Reference for core tactics: /- `rw` Rewrites the first instance of the left-hand side of an equality (`=`) or equivalence (`↔`) in the goal with the right-hand side. Use `←` to instead rewrite the right-hand side with the left-hand side. see also: `rwa`, `nth_rewrite`, `nth_rewrite_lhs`, `nth_rewrite_rhs`. -/ example (a b c : ℕ) (h : a = b) : a + c = b + c := begin rw h, end example (a b : ℕ) (h : 0 = a) : a + b = b := begin rw ← h, rw zero_add, end -- Perform several rewrites in sequence using [] example (a b c d : ℕ) (hab : a = b) (hbc : b = c) : a + d = c + d := begin rw [hab, hbc], -- same as `rw hab, rw hbc,` end /- `simp` Attempts to simplify the goal using a large family of results. Pass the simplifier results in the current context using `[` and `]`. Use `simp only [...]` if you don't want the simplifier to use its own results. -/ example (a b : ℕ) (hab : a = b) : a + 0 = b := begin simp [hab], -- simp knows about `add_zero` end /- `unfold`: Expands a definition of your choice. -/ def seq_limit (u : ℕ → ℝ) (l : ℝ) : Prop := ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, |u n - l| ≤ ε -- Taken from Tutorials project -- Here `(λ n, x)` denotes the function `ℕ → ℝ` that sends `n` to `x`, i.e. the constant sequence at `x`. -- If this is confusing, see the section on `λ` notation above. example (x : ℝ) : seq_limit (λ n, x) x := begin unfold seq_limit, -- this line helps the person writing the proof, Lean does not need it intros ε εpos, use 0, intros n nnonneg, simp [le_of_lt εpos], end /- `ring` Simplify algebraic expressions in a commutative ring `linarith` Deals with linear inequalities using all results in the context. You can pass it extra results using `[` and `]`. -/ example (a b : ℝ) : (a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2*a*b + b^2 := by ring example (a b : ℝ) : 2*a*b ≤ a^2 + b^2 := begin have : (a - b) * (a - b) ≥ 0 := mul_self_nonneg _, linarith, end /- Applying tactics at a hypothesis Tactics such as `rw`, `simp` and `unfold`, whose aim is to change the way an expression looks, can be applied to hypothesis in the current context, not just the goal. This is done with `at`. -/ example (a b : ℝ) (hab : a + 0 = b) (hb : b = 0) : a = 0 := begin rw add_zero at hab, rw [hab, hb], end /- `induction` Apply induction of natural numbers. In fact, this tactic can be used for more general inductive types, but we won't need this for now. -/ -- `succ` is the succesor function, i.e. `succ n = n + 1`. example (m n : ℕ) : succ m + n = succ (m + n) := begin induction n with k ih, -- we introduce the variable `k` the replaces `n` and the inductive hypothesis `ih` { refl }, -- this bit is true by definition calc succ m + succ k = succ (succ m + k) : rfl ... = succ (succ (m + k)) : by rw ih ... = succ (m + succ k) : rfl end -- Adapted from Theorem proving in Lean ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Logical connectives -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /- `→` and `∀` - Implication and universal quatifier Because of how Lean's type theory works, these are just functions. TO PROVE: 1. Introduce the assumptions using `intros` tactic. 2. Produce an element of the goal type (e.g. using `exact`). TO USE: - Anywhere where a proof term is expected (e.g. after `exact`, `rw`, etc.), apply as a function to suitable arguments. - If the conclusion of `h` matches the goal, use `apply h` to instead prove the antecedent. If `h` is a chained implication, several goals will be created. - Use `specialize` to pass arguments to a function in an assumption. -/ lemma example_1 (P Q : Prop) (hq : Q) : P → Q := begin intros hp, exact hq, end -- As a proof term: `λ hp, hq` -- In fact, we've been using `→` and `∀` implicitly all the time. Check out the type of the lemma we -- just proved. #check example_1 example (Q : Prop) (hq : Q) : ∀ P : Prop, P → Q := begin intros P hp, exact hq, end -- As a proof term: `λ P hp, hq` example (P Q : Prop) (hp : P) : (P → Q) → Q := begin intros hpq, exact hpq hp, end -- As a proof term: `λ hpq, hpq hp` example (a b c : ℝ) (hc : 0 ≤ c) (hab : a ≤ b) : a*c ≤ b*c := begin rw ← sub_nonneg, have key : b*c - a*c = (b - a)*c, { ring }, rw key, apply mul_nonneg, -- `0 ≤ a → 0 ≤ b → 0 ≤ a * v` { rw sub_nonneg, exact hab }, { exact hc }, end example (u : ℕ → ℝ) (l : ℝ) (h : seq_limit u l) : ∃ (N : ℕ) (b : ℝ), ∀ n ≥ N, u n ≤ b := begin specialize h 1 one_pos, -- `specialize` helps unfold the meaning of definitions in the relevant case cases h with N hN, use [N, (l + 1)], intros n hn, specialize hN n hn, rw abs_le at hN, linarith, end /- `∧`, `∃` and `↔` - Conjunction, existential quantifier and equivalence These are all inductive types with a single constructor (more on this later), so they have many similarities. TO PROVE: - Use `split` to separate into two goals (most useful for `∧` and `↔`). - Produce a proof term using the anonymous constructor `⟨⟩`. - Use the `use` tactic to produce the first thing needed (see examples). TO USE: - Use `cases` to separate into two hypotheses. - Introduce using `rintros` and an anonymous constructor `⟨⟩`. - For `∧` only: use `.left` and `.right` (or, `.1` and `.2`). - For `↔` only: use `.mp` and `.mpr` (or, `.1` and `.2`). -/ example (P Q : Prop) : P ∧ Q → Q ∧ P := begin intros hpq, cases hpq with hp hq, split, { exact hq, }, { exact hp, }, end -- More succinctly example (P Q : Prop) : P ∧ Q → Q ∧ P := begin intro h, exact ⟨h.right, h.left⟩, end -- Also more succinctly example (P Q : Prop) : P ∧ Q → Q ∧ P := begin rintros ⟨hp, hq⟩, exact ⟨hq, hp⟩, end -- As a proof term: `λ ⟨hp, hq⟩, ⟨hq, hp⟩` -- Same proof, different theorem (this is the magic of the anonymous constructor) example (P Q : Prop) : (P ↔ Q) → (Q ↔ P) := begin rintros ⟨hp, hq⟩, exact ⟨hq, hp⟩, end example : (∃ x : ℝ, x^2 = 2) → ∃ x : ℝ, x ≥ 0 ∧ x^2 = 2 := begin rintros ⟨x, hx⟩, use [|x|, abs_nonneg _], -- `use` recursively provides the first arugment for `∃` and for `∧` rwa sq_abs, end /- TIP: the anonymous constructor can take more than two arguments, in which case it associates to the right. See also `rcases`. -/ example (P Q R : Prop): (P ∧ Q ∧ R) → (Q ∧ R ∧ P) := begin rintros ⟨hp, hq, hr⟩, exact ⟨hq, hr, hp⟩, end /- `∨` - Disjunction This is an inductive type with two different constructors: left and right TO PROVE - Use `left` or `right` to change the goal for the left- or right-hand side of the disjunction. - If you insist on using a proof term, you can use `or.inl` and `or.inr`. TO USE - Use `cases` to split into each of the cases. -/ example (P Q : Prop) (hp : P) : P ∨ Q := begin left, exact hp, end -- As a proof term: `or.inl hp` example (P Q : Prop) : P ∨ Q → Q ∨ P := begin intros h, cases h with hp hq, { right, exact hp, }, { left, exact hq, }, end /- `¬` - Negation Negation in Lean is defined as `¬ P := P → false`. Hence, we can use the same tactics as for `→`. In addition to this, there are a number of useful tactics that help us deal with negation: `push_neg`: pushes a negation past all the quantifiers in the goal. (It doesn't unfold definitions on its own, so if you want it to push past quantifiers implicit in a definition you should first use `unfold`.) `contrapose`: transforms a goal of the form `P → Q` to `¬ Q → ¬ P`. `contrapose!`: same as `contrapose`, but automatically does `push_neg` afterwards. `by_contradiction`: sets up a proof by contradiction. If the goal is `P`, it adds `¬ P` as a hypothesis and changes the goal to `false`. `by_contra'`: same as `by_contradiction` but applies `push_neg` to the new hypothesis `¬ P`. `by_cases`: given a proposition `P`, it splits the proof into two cases, one assuming `P` and one assuming `¬ P`. `exfalso`: changes the goal to `false` (this is valid because anything follows from `false`). Use this when there is a contradiction in your currect assumptions. -/ def even_fun (f : ℝ → ℝ) := ∀ x, f (-x) = f x example : ¬ even_fun (λ x, 2*x) := begin unfold even_fun, -- Here unfolding is important because push_neg won't do it. push_neg, use 42, linarith, end -- Taken from Tutorials project example (P Q : Prop) (h : ¬ Q → ¬ P) : P → Q := begin contrapose, exact h, end example (P : Prop) : P ∨ ¬ P := begin by_contradiction h, push_neg at h, exact h.left h.right, end example (P : Prop) : P ∨ ¬ P := begin by_cases P, { left, exact h }, { right, exact h }, end example (n : ℤ) (h_even : even n) (h_not_even : ¬ even n) : 0 = 1 := begin exfalso, exact h_not_even h_even, end /- BONUS: Axiom of choice Sometimes we will need to use some version of the axiom of choice. This can be done with the `choose` tactic. It needs an assumption that is (roughly) of the form `∀ a : A, ∃ b : B, P a b`, where `P : A → B → Prop` is some predicate. Given this, it produces a function `f : A → B` and a proof that `∀ a : A, P a (f a)`. -/ -- Here we use the axiom of choice to show that every surjective function has a section. example (A B : Type) (f : A → B) (hf : surjective f) : ∃ g : B → A, f ∘ g = id := begin unfold surjective at hf, choose g hg using hf, use g, apply funext, -- see `funext` below intro x, exact hg x, end #check funext -- see also `ext` and `ext1` tactics