
GLEN Algebraic Geometry Seminar 

Welcome to the website of the GLEN aka "Highland Cow" seminar. 

The GLEN is a joint seminar in algebraic geometry between the Universities of Glasgow, Liverpool, York, Leeds, Sheffield and Edinburgh. 

We hold several meetings a year, rotating between the various participating institutions.  We maintain a mailing list for related announcements, to join please email

Local organizers include Gwyn Bellamy (Glasgow), Eleonore Faber (Leeds), Alice Rizzardo (Liverpool), Evgeny Shinder (Sheffield) and Graeme Wilkin (York).  GLEN is coordinated by Johan Martens (Edinburgh).

GLEN is supported by a Scheme 3 Grant of the London Mathematical Society, and the EPSRC Programme Grant "Enhancing Representation Theory, Noncommutative Algebra And Geometry Through Moduli, Stability And Deformations".  We maintain a mailing list, please contact Johan Martens if you wish to join the list or post.

GLEN was founded (as EGA) by Alastair Craw, and also coordinated by Michael Wemyss in the past. 
See here and here for older meetings.

Upcoming GLEN meetings:

York, 4-6 September 2024

Workshop on Algebraic and Analytic Methods in Gauge Theory

            Organised by Ian McIntosh and Graeme Wilkin


                Andrew Dancer (Oxford)
                Peter Gothen (Porto)
                Oscar Garcia-Prada (ICMAT)
                Stuart Hall (Newcastle)
                Eloise Hamilton (Cambridge)
                Jaime Mendizabal (UCL)
                Ana Peon-Nieto (Santiago de Compostela)
                Fatemeh Rezaee (Cambridge)
                Nuno Romao (IHES)
                Hartmut Weiss (Kiel)

            All info can be found on the local website:


Past GLEN meetings:

St Andrews, 18-19 April 2024

GLEN Workshop on Tropical Geometry

            Organised by Thibault Poiret and Johan Martens

            All talks will happen in Lecture Theatre D at the Mathematical Institute, St Andrews University  (map)

            Thursday 18 April:

                    2pm:        Michel Van Garrel (University of Birmingham)

                    3:30pm:   Robert Crumplin (Imperial College)                                 
                                    Spaces of twisted maps to Artin fans

                    4:45pm:   Dmitry Zakharov (Central Michigan University)

                                    Tropical moments, the trigonal construction, and extension of the Prym–Torelli map

                    18:30pm: Social dinner

            Friday 19 April:                      
                    8:30am:   Lucie Devey (University of Edinburgh)
                                    Stability of toric vector bundles

                    10am:      Louis Theran (University of St Andrews)

                                    Linear symmetries of Cayley—Menger varieties

                   11:15am:  Rohini Ramadas (University of Warwick)


                    Abstracts and all practical information

There is no formal registration, but please let the organisers know by email if you will attend.  We will be able to support a number of junior participants, please inquire by email with the organisers.


Liverpool, 21-22 September 2023

GLEN Workshop on on Stability Conditions and related topics

            Organised by Alice Rizzardo and Jon Woolf

                    Arend Bayer (University of Edinburgh)
                    Tom Bridgeland (University of Sheffield)
                    Hannah Dell (University of Edinburgh)
                    Naoki Koseki (University of Liverpool)
                    Rohini Ramadas (Warwick Mathematics Institute)
                    Franco Rota (University of Glasgow/HIM Bonn)          

            All info can be found on the local website:


Sheffield, 28-30 June 2023

GLEN Workshop "Derived Categories, Hodge Theory and Singularities"

            Organised by Ananyo Dan and Evgeny Shinder


Ben Davison (Edinburgh)
Yajnaseni Dutta (Bonn)
Mark Gross (Cambridge)
Wahei Hara (Glasgow)
Chunyi Li (Warwick)
Cristina Manolache (Sheffield)
John Ottem (Oslo)
Nebojsa Pavic (Hannover)
Alice Rizzardo (Liverpool)
Helge Ruddat (Stavanger)
Alan Thompson (Loughborough)
Claire Voisin (Paris)

            All info can be found on the local website:

            Local website

Edinburgh, 9 December 2022


    1pm       Fei Xie (Edinburgh)
                  Quadric surface bundles and relative Hilbert schemes of lines

    2:15pm  Matthew Pressland (Glasgow)
                  Calabi–Yau algebras from consistent dimer models

    4pm       Tom Wennink (Liverpool)
                  A reconstruction theorem for genus 2 Gromov-Witten invariants.

All talks will happen in JCMB 4325A, at the King's Buildings campus of the University of Edinburgh.



Joint online COW - EmSG - GLEN Summer School, 7 - 11 September 2020


    - Francesca Carocci - The geometry of moduli spaces of stable maps to projective space and modular desingularisation via log blowups

    - Soheyla Feyzbakhsh - Bridgeland stability conditions and geometric applications

    - Liana Heuberger - Constructing Fano varieties via mirror symmetry

Further information, including registration information and abstracts for talk series, may be found on the webpage below:

Sheffield, November 13-14 2019

            Speakers:    Eleonore Faber (Leeds)
                                Andreas Hochenegger (Milano Statale)
                                Yanki Lekili (King's College London)
                                Mirko Mauri (MPIM Bonn)
                                Greg Stevenson (Glasgow)
                                Michael Wemyss (Glasgow)

            All info can be found on the local website:

            Local website

Manchester,  February 28-March 1 2019

            Speakers:     Susanna Zimmermann (Angers)
                                Ana-Maria Castravet (Versaille)
                                Jesus Martinez Garcia (Bath)
                                Yohan Brunebarbe (Bordeaux)
                                Vicky Hoskins (Berlin)
                                Gregory Sankaran (Bath)

            All info can be found on the local website:

            Local website

Edinburgh, 14/15 June 2018

            All talks will take place in the seminar room of the School of Mathematics - JCMB 5323.


Thursday 14 June
Leonardo Mihalcea (Virginia Tech)

Chern classes of Schubert cells, Hecke algebras, and stable envelopes.

Andrew Dancer (Oxford)

Integrability in Riemannian Geometry

Friday 15 June
Hendrik Suess (Manchester)

On irregular Sasaki-Einstein manifolds in dimension 5.

Maxence Mayrand (Oxford)

Stratified hyperkähler spaces

In the afternoon of 15 June two other talks are also taking place at JCMB that will likely be of interest to the GLEN audience: at 1pm Cauchy Birkar (Cambridge) will give a colloquium talk in JCMB 6206, and at 2pm Miles Reid (Warwick) will give an edge seminar in JCMB 5323.



Sheffield, 8/9 February 2018

        Speakers:    Andreas Gross (Imperial) 
                            Giorgio Scattareggia (Bergen)
                            Hulya Arguz (Imperial)      
                            Sara Filippini  (Cambridge/Imperial)
                            Ana Rita Pires (Cambridge) 
                            Dimitra Kosta (Glasgow)

           All info can be found on the local site:

           Local website

Glasgow, 1 September 2017


Ben Davison (Glasgow) 

The cohomological Donaldson-Thomas invariants for noncommutative local P^2.

Soheyla Feyzbakhsh (Edinburgh)

Reconstructing a K3 surface form a curve via wall-crossing.

Andrea Appel (Edinburgh)

Monodromy of the Casimir Connection.


The talks will be in lecture room 116 (ground floor) of the Mathematics and Statistics Building.


Manchester, 14 July 2017


Aleksandr Pukhlikov (Liverpool) 

Birational geometry via maximal singularities.

Elisa Postinghel (Loughborough)

Polyhedrality of Newton-Okounkov bodies for Mori dream spaces.

Damiano Testa (Warwick)

Singular plane sections of Fermat surfaces and roots of unity.


All talks taking place in Frank Adams Room 1, Alan Turing Building, University of Manchester.
Local website

Liverpool, 3 February 2017


Roberto Fringuelli (Edinburgh)

The Picard group of the universal moduli space of vector bundles on stable curves.

Liana Heuberger (Imperial)

Fano varieties, general elephants and classification.

Jeffrey Giansiracusa (Swansea)

Tropical geometry and algebra over idempotent semirings.

All talks taking place in lecture theater Hele-Shaw, Walker Building, School of Engineering, University of Liverpool.



Edinburgh (ICMS), 9 December 2016


Michael Wong (Essen)

Open de Rham Spaces

Peter Samuelson (Edinburgh)

Knot complements and affine cubic surfaces

Marina Logares (Oxford)

Parabolic Higgs bundles and Generalised Parabolic Higgs bundles



Sheffield, 9 & 10 June 2016  -  "Homological Algebraic Geometry"

Speakers:        Kai Behrend (Oxford)
                       Tyler Kelly (Cambridge)
                       Alexander Kuznetsov (Steklov Institute)
                       Jørgen Rennemo (Oxford)
                       Spela Spenko (Edinburgh)
                       Nicolo Sibilla (Oxford)

For all info, see the local website here.

Glasgow, Friday 4 March 2016


Thomas Prince (Imperial):

Cluster structures from toric degenerations of orbifold del Pezzo surfaces.

Konstanze Rietsch (King's):

Polytopes and mirror symmetry for Grassmannians

16:00 Ziyu Zhang (Bath)

Singularities of moduli of sheaves on K3 surfaces and formality

All talks taking place in Lecture Theatre C (Room 507), Boyd Orr Building.



Edinburgh, Thursday 10 December 2015

Ghislain Fourier (Glasgow):

Toric degenerations of flag varieties arising from representation theory

Kevin Tucker (UIC)

Rationality of the F-Pure Threshold in Power Series Rings

16:00 Martina Lanini (Edinburgh)

Moment graph combinatorics for semi-infinite flags

All GLEN talks taking place in JCMB 6206.


Manchester, Monday November 9 2015: "Invariants from Moduli Spaces"

Cristina Manolache (Imperial):

Gromov-Witten theory: what are we counting?

Renzo Cavalieri (Colorado State)

Tropical geometry: a graphical interface for  the GW/Hurwitz correspondence

16:00 Nicola Pagani (Liverpool)

What is the universal theta divisor?

All GLEN talks taking place in Frank Adams Room 1 in the Alan Turing Building.

There is also an extra talk beforehand (in room G.107) which is likely of interest to the GLEN audience. 

    12:00      Nathan Broomhead (Bielefeld)
                   Spaces of stability conditions and silting
