EKPQ1997 (See Sections 3 & 4) El Karoui & Peng, & Quenez, Backward stochastic differential equations in finance Math. Finance, 1997, 7, 1-71 Remark: This paper deals only with BSDEs/FBSDEs; this is the most cited paper on the topic; Imk2008 (See Chapter 10) P. Imkeller, Malliavin's calculus and applications in stochastic control and finance, Warsaw, March-April 2008 Remark: Chap 10 is a remake of Section 3 of EKPQ1997 above. EKa1997 El Karoui et al 1997, Reflected solutions of backward SDE's, and related obstacle problems for PDE's, Ann. Probab., 25, 702-737 Remark: This paper deals only with reflected BSDEs/FBSDEs; applications to finance; Obstacle PDEs. BriandDelyonHuEtAl2003 Briand, P.; Delyon, B.; Hu, Y.; Pardoux, E. & Stoica, L. $L^p$ solutions of backward stochastic differential equations Stochastic Process. Appl, 2003, 108, 109 - 129 Remark: BSDE theory with $L^p$ data Pha2009 (See Chap 6) H. Pham, Continuous-time stochastic control and optimization with financial applications, Springer-Verlag, 2009, 61, xviii+232 Remark: Chap 6 introduces Lips BSDES, reflected BSDEs (as in EKa1997 ); PDE link; applications in Finance/Optimal control. Tou2012 (See Chapters 9 and 10) N. Touzi, Optimal stochastic control, stochastic target problems, and backward SDE. (to appear), Fields Institute Monographs 29. New York, NY: Springer. xii, 194~p., 2012 Remark: Chap 9 follows Chap 6 Pham 2009 on Lipschitz BSDEs/Optimal control; Chap 10 introduces the quadratic BSDE/FBSDE and applies to optim. control.