Emily Roff (エミリーロッフ)

Between autumn 2020 and spring 2023 I ran Edinburgh's Category Theory Seminar with Ruben Van Belle. Now, it's run by Adrián Doña Mateo and Tom Leinster—details of this semester's talks can be found on Adrián's site.

For reference, here is the list of past talks, some of which come with slides.

Winter/Spring 2023

18.01.2023 Nesta van der Schaaf 'Axioms for the category of Hilbert spaces and linear contractions' Slides
08.02.2023 Benjamin Haïoun 'Relative topological quantum field theories and the cobordism hypothesis' Slides
15.03.2023 Seminar cancelled due to industrial action
29.03.2023 Martti Karvonen (Ottawa) 'Inner autoequivalences in general and those of monoidal categories in particular'
05.04.2023 Swaraj Dash (Heriot-Watt) 'A monad for point processes'
12.04.2023 Matthew Di Meglio 'Limits of sequences via colimits of contractions'

Autumn 2022

21.09.2022 Ruben Van Belle 'An overview of categorical probability theory' Slides
05.10.2022 Clark Barwick 'Categorical aspects of pyknotic/condensed structures'
19.10.2022 Marcelo Fiore (Cambridge) 'Stabilised profunctors between groupoids'
02.11.2022 William Bevington 'From topology and strata to categories and décollages - why is category theory so darn useful?'
16.11.2022 Simon Willerton (Sheffield) 'Metric spaces, entropic spaces and convexity'
23.11.2022 Fatimah Ahmadi (Oxford) 'Additive 2-categories'
30.11.2022 Seminar cancelled due to industrial action

Winter/Spring 2022

08.03.2022 Carlos Zapata-Carratala 'Tentative ternary categories and the mystery of ternary associativity' Slides
15.03.2022 Matthew Di Meglio 'Universal indexed categories'
22.03.2022 Seminar cancelled due to industrial action
29.03.2022 Ruben Van Belle 'Lax natural transformations and measures'
05.04.2022 Jade Master 'A categorical view on the Floyd-Warshall algorithm'
12.04.2022 Karim Réga 'Categorical aspects in moduli theory'

Autumn 2021

13.10.2021 Chris Heunen 'Axioms for the category of Hilbert spaces' Slides
27.10.2021 Nuiok Dicaire
Emily Roff
Jesse Sigal
Ruben Van Belle
'Modularity and monads'
'Return of the alley cats: 10 minutes of magnitude'
'Strict monoidal categories are monoids in what category?'
'Categorical probability theory'
10.11.2021 Jenny Brown 'Skeins and clusters'
24.11.2021 Patrick Kinnear 'Morita categories' Slides
08.12.2021 Simona Paoli 'Higher categories in dimension two: some old and new perspectives'

Summer 2021

28.07.2021 Jade Master 'The universal property of the algebraic path problem' Partial notes
04.08.2021 Ruben Van Belle 'Probability monads as codensity monads' Slides
11.08.2021 Emily Roff 'What is a hole in a locally metric category?' Slides
18.08.2021 Callum Reader 'Scalars and traces in bicategories' Slides
25.08.2021 Nuiok Dicaire 'Localisable monads' Slides

Winter/Spring 2021

20.01.2021 Tom Leinster 'Isbell conjugacy' Whiteboard
03.02.2021 Chris Heunen 'Sheaf representation of monoidal categories' Slides
03.03.2021 Robin Kaarsgaard 'Graph traversals as universal constructions' Slides
10.03.2021 Clark Barwick 'A motivated introduction to ∞-categories: Part 1' Blackboard
17.03.2021 Clark Barwick 'A motivated introduction to ∞-categories: Part 2'
31.03.2021 Nuiok Dicaire 'Monads, graded monads, and computational effects' Slides

Autumn 2020

01.10.2020 Tom Leinster 'The surprising power of free categories' Whiteboard
15.10.2020 Jean-Simon Lemay 'Hopf monads and trace monads' Whiteboard
29.10.2020 Graham Manuell 'A 2-categorical bifunctor theorem' Slides
12.11.2020 Ruben Van Belle 'Lax algebras and topology' Slides
26.11.2020 Carlos Zapata-Carratala 'Ternary structures: generalising associativity and categories' Blackboard
10.12.2020 Pablo Andres-Martinez 'Feedback loops without coproducts: Haghverdi's Unique Decomposition Categories' Whiteboard