Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Analysis Seminars Winter 2005

21 January

Enrique Zuazua (Universidad Aut�noma, Madrid)

Dispersive equations and numerical approximation

N.B. This talk in on a Friday and will be held at 2pm in room 3317 JCMB

24 January

Susana Gutierrez (Edinburgh)

On the regularity of the average over spheres of solutions of evolution transport equations

31 January

Ingo Witt (Imperial)

Parametrices for differential operators of mixed elliptic-hyperbolic type

07 February

Jani Virtanen (King's College London)

Uniqueness results for the Riemann-Hilbert problem with a vanishing coefficient

16 February

Ben Green (Bristol)

Restriction theory and the primes

N.B. This seminar is on a Wednesday and will be held in room 5215 JCMB at 4pm

22 February

Brian Davies (King's College London)

Higher Order Numerical Ranges and their Applications

N.B. This seminar is on a Tuesday and will be held in Lecture Theatre C, JCMB at 2pm

07 March

Konstantin Khanin (Heriot-Watt)

Burgers Turbulence abd Random Lagrangian Systems

14 March

Ken Dykema (Texas A&M)

Multiplication of free random variables

N.B. There will be another analysis talk by Roger Smith (Texas A&M) on this day at 3:30pm in 5215 JCMB. Title: The Pukanszky invariant for masas in group factors

Link to

Further seminars may be announced later.

Unless otherwise stated, seminars will be held in room 5215, JCMB, at 2 p.m.

Last Updated: 24 September, 2002

For more information: Jim Wright