School of Mathematics


Information about STACK, the open-source online assessment system for mathematics.

STACK logo, a stack of coloured building blocks

STACK (the System for Teaching and Assessment using a Computer algebra Kernel) is the world-leading open-source online assessment system for mathematics and STEM. It is available for Moodle, ILIAS and as an integration through LTI.

This open-source system helps you build sophisticated assessments for STEM which challenge your students and provides feedback to help them improve their performance and understanding.

STACK is available in most European languages and many more, including Hebrew and Japanese, and is used by schools, universities, commercial partners, developers and more, in over 25 countries.

STACK demonstration site

If you are interested in using STACK, please visit the demonstration site to find out more about the features of STACK and to try STACK for yourself.

STACK demonstration site maintenance

The STACK demo site may occasionally be taken offline for brief periods of maintenance at any time during UK weekday working hours, sometimes with only fairly short advance notice given (usually noted below, for longer duration maintenance periods).

If you see a maintenance downtime alert on the demo site, please make sure that you logout as soon as possible.

Please note that the website is also offline for automated overnight backups for approximately 30 minutes between 04:00 and 04:30 UK local time every day (timezone GMT/UTC during northern winter, BST/UTC+01:00 during northern summer).

Scheduled maintenance

There is no currently scheduled maintenance work for the STACK demo server.


Go to the STACK demo website

The demonstration site runs Moodle 4.1 LTS and STACK 4.8 as of November 2024.

More information about STACK

For more information about STACK, visit the main STACK information and documentation website.

STACK information website

STACK support information for University of Edinburgh users

For University of Edinburgh staff and students only:

  • For student questions about your STACK/CodeRunner courses, please contact your normal contact person for the specific course (or, if need be, contact EdHelp).
  • For course instructor questions relating to using Learn and linking through from Learn to STACK/CodeRunner, please refer to the University of Edinburgh STACK wiki, or, if need be, contact IS Helpline.
  • For course instructor questions about STACK question authoring, etc, please contact your local Learning Technologist (or, if need be, contact Prof. Chris Sangwin).