Structure and Symmetry
The Structure and Symmetry theme research interests cover much fundamental research in pure mathematics and mathematical physics.
The Structure and Symmetry theme research interests cover much fundamental research in pure mathematics and mathematical physics. The theme covers algebraic geometry, algebra and representation theory, category theory, gravitational theory, homotopy theory and topology, integrable systems, quantum field theory and gauge theory, string theory and holography, and symplectic geometry and topology. The theme features 38 permanent academic staff and postdoctoral researchers.
Together with Glasgow and Heriot-Watt universities we run the Glasgow-Maxwell School (GlaMS) which is one of the largest Doctoral School groupings of PhD students in our field in Europe.
- Information about our research in algebra, category theory, geometry and topology can be found on the Hodge Institute website
- Information about our mathematical physics research can be found on the Mathematical Physics group website.