The unplanned impact of mathematics
The July 13 issue of Nature has an article on the unplanned impact of mathematics including a contribution by Julia Collins on topology. See also http://plu ...
Andrew Thompson: SIAM UK Student Prize Winner
Congratulations to Andrew Thompson on his award of a Student prize for his excellent talk at the 24th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis.
The Mathematician's Shirts
Julia Collins and Madeleine Shepherd have won an ASCUS grant to create a series of mathematical sculptures out of shirts.
Degree Ceremony, 28 June 2011
The University Graduation at which the School of Mathematics will present its graduands will be at 11AM on Tuesday, 28th June in the McEwen Hall. Congratulations to all the graduands, especially Professor Angus Macintyre ...
Agata Smoktunowicz appointed as Emmy Noether Professor for 2011 at the University of Gottingen
In honour of the great mathematician Emmy Noether the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Göttingen has created a visiting professorship named after the scientist, who studied, taught und researched in Göttingen ...
Welcome to new staff in 2011 academic year
The School of Mathematics welcomes a number of new appointments starting during the 2011 academic year. For biographies of new staff, please refer to the Appointments in 2011-2012 page.
Maxwell Colloquium: Felipe Cucker, On Smale's 17th Problem
Professor Felipe Cucker will present a colloquium on Smale's 17th Problem on Friday 13 May 2011, at 16:10 in Lecture Theatre C of the James Clerk Maxwell Building. The colloquium will be followed by a wine reception. Smale's ...
Computational Complexity Challenges in Optimization
Maxwell Institute Symposium and Colloquium, 12 - 13 May 2011. The Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences has organised a symposium on topics relating to Computational Complexity Challenges in Optimization, followed by a ...
Jim Wright FRSE
Congratulations to Professor Jim Wright on his election to the Royal Society of Edinburgh!
The Edinburgh Science Festival (9-22 April) will feature 3 mathematics events 1. Winning Ways Discover how the mathematics of games can give you winning strategies for life. (For children). A team of undergraduate and postgraduate ...