Showing news articles whose tags include: Stochastic Analysis
Ilya Chevyrev awarded Rollo Davidson Prize
Ilya Chevyrev is one of the winners of the Rollo Davidson Prize for 2024 for his contributions to rough analysis and singular stochastics PDEs, and in particular to our understanding of the 2D Yang-Mills measure. The Rollo Davidson ...
EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Small Grants Success
The School has received three awards from the EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Small Grants which funds original research projects or feasibility research studies. Congratulations to: Vanya Cheltsov - "K-stable Fano 3-folds" Hiro ...
INI Funding for Burak Buke
Burak Buke has been awarded funds by the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences to set up a UK Research Network in Stochastics. The goal of the network will be to establish a connection among probabilists all around ...
Tom Klose awarded MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship
Tom Klose has been awarded a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship to work with Ilya Chevyrev on the project "Stochastic PDEs meet QFT: Large deviations, Uhlenbeck compactness and Yang-Mills. The overarching goal of this proposal ...
Miguel de Carvalho elected for the Council of the International Statistical Institute
Miguel de Carvalho has been elected a member of the prestigious Council of the International Statistical Institute
New papers in top journals Inventiones and JAMS by School members
Congratulations to Prof. Hiro Oh and Dr. Yvain Bruned for publishing papers in the prestigious Inventiones Math and Journal of the American Mathematical Society. Hiro's paper "Optimal integrability threshold for Gibbs ...
Miguel de Carvalho involved in the creation of the first International Day of Women in Statistics and Data Science
Miguel de Carvalho has been involved in the creation of the first International Day of Women in Statistics and Data Science - October 2022.
Miguel de Carvalho has been elected President of the Portuguese Statistical Society
Miguel de Carvalho, President of the Portuguese Statistical Society
Miguel de Carvalho has been awarded the Lindley Prize
Miguel de Carvalho has been awarded the Lindley Prize for the article "On the Geometry of Bayesian Inference"
RSS and CfS Event on Decision-Support in Litigation
The Centre for Statistics will be welcoming John MacKenzie (partner at Shepherd and Wedderburn), Dr Alex Biedermann (University of Lausanne), and Wen Zhang (London School of Economics) who will showcasing modern opportunities for Statisticians and Data Scientists to work with lawyers to to improve the legal decision-making process. Joint event with the Royal Statistical Society.