Fedor Bogomolov's 75th birthday

Dates: 14-16 January 2022

Venue: University College London

Organizers: Paolo, Ivan, Nikon

Contact: nikon.kurnosov@gmail.com

Registration: link

  1. Hamid Abban
  2. Katya Amerik
  3. Christian Boehning
  4. Alessio Corti
  5. Miles Reid
  6. Marat Rovinsky
  7. Evgeny Shinder
  8. Alexander Veselov
Fedor Bogomolov

Day Time Address Room Speaker Title
Friday 13:00 26 Bedford Way 313 Coffee and cookies
Friday 15:30 26 Bedford Way 305 Hamid Abban A birational journey through K-stability
Friday 17:00 26 Bedford Way 305 Miles Reid Godeaux surfaces with 3-torsion in mixed characteristic
Friday 18:00 26 Bedford Way 305 Reception
Saturday 9:30 20 Bedford Way 777 Coffee and cookies
Saturday 10:00 20 Bedford Way 421 Nunn Hall Marat Rovinsky Zero-cycles on flag varieties as representations of projective groups
Saturday 11:30 20 Bedford Way 421 Nunn Hall Evgeny Shinder Derived categories of singular Fano threefolds
Saturday 12:30 20 Bedford Way 777 Sandwiches
Saturday 14:00 20 Bedford Way 421 Nunn Hall Alexander Veselov Universal formula for Hilbert series of the adjoint varieties
Saturday 15:30 20 Bedford Way 421 Nunn Hall Christian Boehning Skew matrices of linear forms, matrix factorisations and intermediate Jacobians of cubic threefolds
Saturday 18:00 Marquis Cornwallis Dinner
Sunday 10:00 Cruciform Building B404 - LT2 Katya Amerik Parabolic automorphisms of hyperkähler manifolds
Sunday 11:30 Cruciform Building B404 - LT2 Alessio Corti Mirror symmetry and the classification of Q-Fano 3-folds