Carola-Bibiane Schonlieb (University of Cambridge)

Domain decomposition for total variation regularisation and applications
Thursday 9 February 2012 at 13.00, JCMB 4312 - Joint with ACM


Domain decomposition methods were introduced as techniques for solving partial differential equations based on a decomposition of the spatial domain of the problem into several subdomains. The initial equation restricted to the subdomains defines a sequence of new local problems. The main goal is to solve the initial equation via the solution of the local problems. This procedure induces a dimension reduction which is the major responsible of the success of such a method. Indeed, one of the principal motivations is the formulation of solvers which can be easily parallelized.

In this presentation we shall develop a domain decomposition algorithm to the minimization of functionals with total variation constraints. In this case the interesting solutions may be discontinuous, e.g., along curves in 2D. These discontinuities may cross the interfaces of the domain decomposition patches. Hence, the crucial difficulty is the correct treatment of interfaces, with the preservation of crossing discontinuities and the correct matching where the solution is continuous instead. I will present our domain decomposition strategy, including convergence results for the algorithm and numerical examples for its application in image inpainting and magnetic resonance imaging.

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