ABSTRACT A classical theorem due to Liouville says that if the gradient of a map is a rotation at every point, then it is a constant rotation. The rigidity estimate of Friesecke, James and Mueller (2002) quantifies this: for maps $v: U\subset \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^n$ the $L^2$-distance of $\beta=\nabla u$ from a single rotation is bounded by its $L^2$-distance from the group of all rotations. Stefan Mueller, Caterina Zeppieri and myself recently proved a generalised rigidity estimate for matrix-valued fields $\beta$ that are not necessarily gradients, in dimension 2. In this case it is still possible to bound the $L^2$-distance of $\beta$ from a single rotation in terms of its $L^2$-distance from the rotations, modulo an error depending on the total variation of $\textrm{Curl} \beta$. One of the key ingredients in our proof is a fine regularity result for two-dimensional $L^1$-vector fields with divergence in $H^{-2}$ proved by Brezis and van Schaftingen. In this talk I will discuss generalised rigidity estimates and their role in dislocation theory.