ABSTRACT: The wave equation on the Kerr spacetime is interesting as a toy model for the problem of stability of the Kerr black hole. In analyzing waves on Kerr one encounters two important difficulties. The Kerr spacetime has only two Killing fields, corresponding to stationarity and axial symmetry. Further, the "photon sphere", i.e., the region filled with rotating null geodesics, has codimension zero, which makes trapping a serious problem. In recent work with Pieter Blue, we have been able to circumvent these difficulties and give a "physical space" approach to estimates for the wave equation, by making use of the hidden symmetry of the Kerr spacetime, discovered by Carter. By utilizing the fact that an operator related to the Carter constant commutes with the Kerr wave operator, we are able to prove energy bounds, trapping, and dispersive estimates for the wave equation on Kerr.