NAME: Ross Geoghegan (State University of New York at Binghamton) TITLE: SL(2) actions on the hyperbolic plane ABSTRACT: Take a positive integer m and consider the action of SL(2, Z[1/m]) on the hyperbolic plane by Moebius transformations. More generally, consider a not-necessarily-discrete action of a discrete group G on a non-positively curved (i.e. CAT(0)) space M. Are there interesting topological invariants of such an action - invariants which distinguish one from another? I will describe a new kind of "controlled topology" invariant of such an action - a measure of how highly connected the action is. In particular, for the SL(2, Z[1/m]) case it will turn out that the action is (s-2)-connected but not (s-1)-connected, where s is the number of different primes which divide m. The most interesting feature of the proof of this is the role played by the Borel subgroup of upper triangular matrices. (Joint work with Robert Bieri.)