StonyBrook | KUL | Bonn | QMW | Edinburgh

The Scottish years

  1. Galilei particles revisited
    [with Simon Pekar, Alfredo Pérez and Stefan Prohazka]
  2. p-brane Galilean and Carrollian Geometries and Gravities
    [with Eric Bergshoeff, Kevin van Helden, Jan Rosseel, Iisakki Rotko and Tonnis ter Veldhuis]
  3. Quantum Carroll/fracton particles
    [with Alfredo Pérez and Stefan Prohazka]
  4. Carroll/fracton particles and their correspondence
    [with Alfredo Pérez and Stefan Prohazka]
  5. Lie algebraic Carroll/Galilei duality
  6. From pp-waves to galilean spacetimes
    [with Ross Grassie and Stefan Prohazka]
  7. Particle dynamics on torsional galilean spacetimes
    [with Can Görmez and Dieter Van den Bleeken]
  8. Kaluza–Klein reductions of maximally supersymmetric five-dimensional lorentzian spacetimes
    [with Guido Franchetti]
  9. The gauging procedure and carrollian gravity
    [with Emil Have, Stefan Prohazka and Jakob Salzer]
  10. A non-lorentzian primer
    [with Eric Bergshoeff and Joaquim Gomis]
  11. Lifshitz symmetry: Lie algebras, spacetimes and particles
    [with Ross Grassie and Stefan Prohazka]
  12. Non-lorentzian spacetimes
  13. Symplectic actions and central extensions
    [with Andrew Beckett]
  14. Carrollian and celestial spaces at infinity
    [with Emil Have, Spefan Prohazka and Jakob Salzer]
  15. Killing superalgebras for lorentzian five-manifolds
    [with Andrew Beckett]
  16. On the intrinsic torsion of spacetime structures
  17. Kinematical superspaces
    [with Ross Grassie]
  18. Geometry and BMS Lie algebras of spatially isotropic homogeneous spacetimes
    [with Ross Grassie and Stefan Prohazka]
  19. Conformal Lie algebras via deformation theory
  20. Spatially isotropic homogeneous spacetimes
    [with Stefan Prohazka]
  21. Killing superalgebras for lorentzian six-manifolds
    [with Paul de Medeiros and Andrea Santi]
  22. Kinematical Lie algebras in 2+1 dimensions
    [with Tomasz Andrzejewski]
  23. Higher-dimensional kinematical Lie algebras via deformation theory
  24. Kinematical Lie algebras via deformation theory
  25. Classification of kinematical Lie algebras
  26. On the algebraic structure of Killing superalgebras
    [with Andrea Santi]
  27. Killing superalgebras for lorentzian four-manifolds
    [with Paul de Medeiros and Andrea Santi]
  28. Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on conformal supergravity backgrounds in ten dimensions
    [with Paul de Medeiros]
  29. Eleven-dimensional supergravity from filtered subdeformations of the Poincaré superalgebra
    [with Andrea Santi]
  30. Spencer cohomology and eleven-dimensional supergravity
    [with Andrea Santi]
  31. Homogeneous M2 duals
    [with Mara Ungureanu]
  32. Sasakian manifolds and M-theory
    [with Andrea Santi]
  33. The homogeneity theorem for supergravity backgrounds II: the six-dimensional theories
    [with Noel Hustler]
  34. Supersymmetry of hyperbolic monopoles
    [with Moustafa Gharamti]
  35. Symmetric backgrounds of type IIB supergravity
    [with Noel Hustler]
  36. The homogeneity theorem for supergravity backgrounds
    [with Noel Hustler]
  37. Symmetric M-theory backgrounds
  38. Half-BPS M2-brane orbifolds
    [with Paul de Medeiros]
  39. Half-BPS quotients in M-theory: ADE with a twist
    [with Paul de Medeiros, Sunil Gadhia and Elena Méndez-Escobar]
  40. M2-branes, Einstein manifolds and triple systems
  41. Superpotentials for superconformal Chern-Simons theories from representation theory
    [with Paul de Medeiros and Elena Méndez-Escobar]
  42. Simplicity in the Faulkner construction
  43. Deformations of 3-algebras
  44. Metric 3-Lie algebras for unitary Bagger-Lambert theories
    [with Paul de Medeiros, Elena Méndez-Escobar and Patricia Ritter]
  45. Three lectures on 3-algebras
  46. The homogeneity conjecture for supergravity backgrounds
  47. On the maximal superalgebras of supersymmetric backgrounds
    [with Emily Hackett-Jones, George Moutsopoulos and Joan Simón]
    Nominated by the Editors of CQG among the Highlights of 2008 and 2009
  48. On the Lie-algebraic origins of metric 3-algebras
    [with Paul de Medeiros, Elena Méndez-Escobar and Patricia Ritter]
  49. Metric Lie n-algebras and double extensions
  50. Metric Lie 3-algebras in Bagger-Lambert theory
    [with Paul de Medeiros and Elena Méndez-Escobar]
  51. Lorentzian Lie n-algebras
  52. Lorentzian Lie 3-algebras and their Bagger-Lambert moduli space
    [with Paul de Medeiros and Elena Méndez-Escobar]
  53. Killing superalgebra deformations of ten-dimensional supergravity backgrounds
    [with Bert Vercnocke]
  54. A geometric construction of the exceptional Lie algebras F4 and E8
  55. Deformations of M-theory Killing superalgebras
  56. The return of the four- and five-dimensional preons
    [with Jan Gutowski and Wafic Sabra]
  57. The Killing superalgebra of ten-dimensional supergravity backgrounds
    [with Emily Hackett-Jones and George Moutsopoulos]
  58. Lorentzian symmetric spaces in supergravity
    Recent developments in pseudo-riemannian geometry
    Proceedings of the programme Geometry of pseudo-riemannian manifolds with application to physics, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, September-December 2005.
  59. M-theory preons cannot arise by quotients
    [with Sunil Gadhia]
  60. Supersymmetry and spin structures
    [with Sunil Gadhia]
  61. Gauging the Wess-Zumino term of a sigma model with boundary
    [with Noureddine Mohammedi]
  62. Homogeneity and plane-wave limits
    [with Patrick Meessen and Simon Philip]
  63. Supersymmetry and homogeneity in M-theory backgrounds
    [with Patrick Meessen and Simon Philip]
  64. Quotients of AdSp+1 x Sq: causally well-behaved spaces and black holes
    [with Owen Madden, Simon Ross and Joan Simón]
  65. Supersymmetric Kaluza-Klein reductions of AdS backgrounds
    [with Joan Simón]
  66. Parallelisable heterotic backgrounds
    [with Teruhiko Kawano and Satoshi Yamaguchi]
  67. Supergravity vacua and lorentzian Lie groups
    [with Ali Chamseddine and Wafic Sabra]
  68. On parallelisable NS-NS backgrounds
  69. Penrose limits of Lie branes and a Nappi-Witten braneworld
    [with Sonia Stanciu]
  70. Plücker-type relations for orthogonal planes
    [with George Papadopoulos]
  71. Maximally supersymmetric solutions to ten- and eleven-dimensional supergravities
    [with George Papadopoulos]
  72. Supersymmetric Kaluza-Klein reductions of M-waves and MKK-monopoles
    [with Joan Simón]
  73. Supersymmetric Kaluza-Klein reductions of M2- and M5-branes
    [with Joan Simón]
  74. Penrose limits, supergravity and brane dynamics
    [with Matthias Blau and George Papadopoulos]
  75. Penrose limits and maximal supersymmetry
    [with Matthias Blau, Chris Hull and George Papadopoulos]
    Nominated by the Editors of CQG among the Highlights of 2001 and 2002
  76. Appendix in An illustrated guide to D-branes in SU3
    [with Sonia Stanciu]
  77. Conformal topological Yang-Mills theory and de Sitter holography
    [with Paul de Medeiros, Chris Hull and Bill Spence]
  78. A new maximally supersymmetric background of IIB superstring theory
    [with Matthias Blau, Chris Hull and George Papadopoulos]
  79. Generalised supersymmetric fluxbranes
    [with Joan Simón]
  80. Maximal supersymmetry in ten and eleven dimensions
    Proceedings of the workshop Special geometric structures in string theory, Bonn, September 2001.
  81. Homogeneous fluxes, branes and a maximally supersymmetric solution of M-theory
    [with George Papadopoulos]
  82. D-brane charge, flux quantisation and relative (co)homology
    [with Sonia Stanciu]
  83. D-Branes in AdS3 x S3 x S3 x S1
    [with Sonia Stanciu]
  84. More Ricci-flat branes
  85. More D-branes in the Nappi-Witten background
    [with Sonia Stanciu]
StonyBrook | KUL | Bonn | QMW | Edinburgh

Numbers [71] and higher were written while a lecturer, a reader and then a professor at the School of Mathematics of the University of Edinburgh.

The effect of the onset of full-time teaching, without the concomitant improvement in time-management skills, can be clearly felt in the relatively few papers I wrote during the three academic years 1998-2001. I then went on a much needed sabbatical!

Paper [82] was featured in March 2004 as an ESI hot new paper; although by that time it had cooled down considerably.

Papers [77], [83-4] and [91], and to a certain extent [92], form part of a research programme that Joan Simón and I started in 2001. That collaboration has spanned what has been a very difficult time for me personally, and if we have achieved what we set out to do, it is due in no small part to Joan's patience at a time of his professional life when, as a postdoc, production was paramount.
(Moltes gràcies, Joan!)

Thanks indeed to all my collaborators, to some of whom I'm linked by bonds of friendship which have outlasted our common scientific interests:

  1. Takashi Kimura

  2. Alvaro Díaz
  3. Stany Schrans
  4. Kris Thielemans
  5. Eduardo Ramos
  6. Javier Mas

  7. Sonia Stanciu

  8. Chris Hull
  9. Leonardo Palacios
  10. Arkady Vaintrob
  11. Chris Koehl
  12. Bill Spence
  13. Bobby Acharya
  14. Martin O'Loughlin
  15. Ali Imaanpur
  16. Jim McCarthy

  17. George Papadopoulos
  18. Joan Simón
  19. Matthias Blau
  20. Paul de Medeiros
  21. Ali Chamseddine
  22. Wafic Sabra
  23. Kawano Teruhiko
  24. Yamaguchi Satoshi
  25. Owen Madden
  26. Simon Ross
  27. Patrick Meessen
  28. Simon Philip
  29. Noureddine Mohammedi
  30. Sunil Gadhia
  31. Emily Hackett-Jones
  32. George Moutsopoulos
  33. Jan Gutowski
  34. Bert Vercnocke
  35. Elena Méndez-Escobar
  36. Patricia Ritter
  37. Noel Hustler
  38. Moustafa Gharamti
  39. Andrea Santi
  40. Mara Ungureanu
  41. Tomasz Andrzejewski
  42. Stefan Prohazka
  43. Ross Grassie
  44. Andrew Beckett
  45. Emil Have
  46. Jakob Salzer
  47. Eric Bergshoeff
  48. Joaquim Gomis
  49. Guido Franchetti
  50. Can Görmez
  51. Dieter Van den Bleeken
  52. Alfredo Pérez
  53. Kevin van Helden
  54. Jan Rosseel
  55. Iisakki Rotko
  56. Toonis ter Veldhuis
  57. Simon Pekar