cCode to construct initial conditions for KyotoII cOutput, on unit 8, is in "astrophysical units" (solar mass, km/s, pc) implicit none integer i,idum,j,nb,ns c i,j loop counter c idum argument of random number generator c nb number of binaries c ns number of single stars real a,alist,amax,amin,b,cosi,ea,eadot,g,gamma(4),e,e2,elist, & emax,inc,kt,loga,m(2),ma,mass,mbin,msun,mm,mu(2),nbu2msun, & nbu2pc,nbu2kps,node,p(3,2),pc,peri,pi,q,qmin,radius(2),ran2, & rg,rking,rop,rrel(3),rsun,rsun2pc,rt,rtnewt,select,x,x1,x2, & xacc,vop,vrel(3) c a semi-major axis c alist diagnostic list of semi-major axes c amax,amin maximum and minimum semi-major axis c b semi-minor axis c cosi cosine of inclination of binary orbit c e eccentricity c e2 e**2 c ea eccentric anomaly c eadot rate of change of ea c elist diagnostic list of eccentricities c emax maximum eccentricity (so that a(1-e) > 2(R1+R2)) c g gravitation constant in astrophysical units c gamma(4) parameters of KTG3 mass function c inc inclination of binary orbit c kt kT c loga log (base 10) of semi-major axis c m(2) masses of binary components c ma mean anomaly c mass mass of single star or binary or binary component c mbin total mass of one binary c mm mean motion in binary ("n") c msun solar mass in g c mu fractional mass of binary component c nbu2kps factor converting velocity in N-body units to km/s c nbu2msun factor converting mass in N-body units to solar masses c nbu2pc factor converting length in N-body units to pc c node longitude of ascending node of binary orbit c p direction cosines converting orbital plane to cluster frame; c cf. Brouwer & Clemence, p.33, with altered notation c pc 1pc in cm c peri argument of pericentre of binary orbit c pi pi c q binary mass ratio (<1) c qmin minimum value of q set by stellar radii c radius(2) radii of binary components c ran2 name of random number generator c rg galactocentric radius in pc c rking edge radius of initial King model in N-body units (from output c of mkking) c rop components of relative position of binary components in orbital c plane c rrel component of relative position of binary components in cluster c frame c rsun solar radius in cm c rsun2pc factor converting solar radius to pc c rt tidal radius of cluster in pc (as specified) c rtnewt name of Newton-Raphson solver c select name of routine for finding median, etc c x random variable distributed uniformly on [0,1] c x1, x2 range of solution of Kepler's equation c xacc precision for solution of Kepler's equation c vop components of relative velocity of binary components in orbital c vrel component of relative velocity of binary components in cluster c frame double precision r,rbar(3), totmass,v,vbar(3) c r component of position vector c rbar component of position vector of binary barycentre c totmass total cluster mass c v component of velocity c plane c vbar component of velocity of binary barycentre parameter (msun = 1.989e33, ns = 12288, nb = 4096, cThe following line is non-ansi compliant, and should perhaps be replaced by c & pc = 3.085678e18, pi = 3.1415926536, rking = 4.37094, cThanks to Peter Teuben for this and other comments 13/8/1 & pc = 3.085678e18, pi = 4.*atan(1.), rking = 4.37094, & rsun = 6.9599e10, rt = 27.9) dimension mass(ns+2*nb),r(ns+2*nb),rop(2),v(ns+2*nb),vop(2), & alist(nb),elist(nb) parameter (g = 6.670e-8*msun*1e-10/pc, nbu2pc = rt/rking, & rsun2pc = rsun/pc) data totmass/0.d0/,gamma/0.19,1.55,0.050,0.6/,idum/1/ c For gamma see KTG, 1993, MN, 262, 575, Table 10 external funcd c funcd returns value and derivative for solution of Kepler's equation common ma,e cFirst, create masses for single stars (solar masses) do i = 1,ns 10 continue x = ran2(idum) mass(i) = 0.08 + (gamma(1)*x**gamma(2) + gamma(3)*x**gamma(4))* & (1.0-x)**(-0.58) if (mass(i).le.0.1.or.mass(i).ge.100) go to 10 totmass = totmass + mass(i) enddo cSecond, create masses for binary components (solar masses) do i = ns+2,ns+2*nb,2 20 continue x = ran2(idum) cSee HTAP, 2001, MN, 323, 633, eq.(1) with x -> 1-x mbin = 0.33*(1.0/(x**0.75 + 0.04*x**0.25) - x**2/1.04) if ( go to 20 totmass = totmass + mbin cSee HTAP, eq.(2), with different maximum mass qmin = max(0.1/(mbin - 0.1),(mbin - 100.)/100.) q = qmin + ran2(idum)*(1. - qmin) mass(i-1) = q*mbin/(1.+q) mass(i) = mbin - mass(i-1) enddo cWrite data for single stars, in units of solar mass, km/s, pc nbu2kps = sqrt(g*totmass/nbu2pc) nbu2msun = totmass open (7, file='initial_phase_list') open (8, file='ic.dat') do i = 1,ns read (7,*) (r(j),j=1,3),(v(j),j=1,3) write (8,'(1pg14.6,6g24.16)') mass(i),(nbu2pc*r(j),j=1,3), & (nbu2kps*v(j),j=1,3) enddo cCompute and write data for binaries; calculations in astrophysical units kt = (1./(6*(ns + nb)))*nbu2msun*nbu2kps**2 do i = 1,nb cDetermine radii do j = 1,2 m(j) = mass(ns + 2*(i-1) + j) cFormulae from EFT, 1989, ApJ, 347, 998 if (m(j).lt.1.334) then radius(j) = (0.1148*m(j)**1.25 + 0.8604*m(j)**3.25)/ & (0.04651 + m(j)**2) else radius(j) = (1.968*m(j)**2.887 - 0.7388*m(j)**1.679)/ & (1.821*m(j)**2.337 - 1) endif radius(j) = radius(j)*rsun2pc enddo cDetermine semi-major axis, eccentricity, and place on orbit amax = g*m(1)*m(2)/(20*kt) amin = 2*(radius(1)+radius(2)) if ( then write (6,*) 'amin>=amax!' stop endif loga = log10(amin) + ran2(idum)*log10(amax/amin) a = 10**loga alist(i) = a emax = 1.0 - amin/a e2 = emax**2*ran2(idum) e = sqrt(e2) elist(i) = e b = a*sqrt(1-e2) ma = 2*pi*ran2(idum) x1 = 0. x2 = 2*pi xacc = 1.e-6 ea = rtnewt(funcd,x1,x2,xacc) rop(1) = a*(cos(ea) - e) rop(2) = b*sin(ea) mm = sqrt(g*(m(1)+m(2))/a**3) eadot = mm/(1 - e*cos(ea)) vop(1) = -a*sin(ea)*eadot vop(2) = b*cos(ea)*eadot cConvert to cluster frame cosi = 2*ran2(idum)-1 inc = acos(cosi) node = 2*pi*ran2(idum) peri = 2*pi*ran2(idum) p(1,1) = cos(peri)*cos(node) - sin(peri)*sin(node)*cosi p(2,1) = cos(peri)*sin(node) + sin(peri)*cos(node)*cosi p(3,1) = sin(peri)*sin(inc) p(1,2) = -sin(peri)*cos(node) - cos(peri)*sin(node)*cosi p(2,2) = -sin(peri)*sin(node) + cos(peri)*cos(node)*cosi p(3,2) = cos(peri)*sin(inc) do j = 1,3 rrel(j) = p(j,1)*rop(1) + p(j,2)*rop(2) vrel(j) = p(j,1)*vop(1) + p(j,2)*vop(2) enddo read (7,*) (rbar(j),j=1,3),(vbar(j),j=1,3) do j = 1,3 rbar(j) = rbar(j)*nbu2pc vbar(j) = vbar(j)*nbu2kps enddo mu(1) = m(1)/(m(1)+m(2)) mu(2) = 1 - mu(1) write (8,'(1pg14.6,6g24.16)') mass(ns+2*i-1), & (rbar(j) + mu(2)*rrel(j),j=1,3), & (vbar(j) + mu(2)*vrel(j),j=1,3) write (8,'(1pg14.6,6g24.16)') mass(ns+2*i), & (rbar(j) - mu(1)*rrel(j),j=1,3), & (vbar(j) - mu(1)*vrel(j),j=1,3) enddo cCompute galactocentric radius for v = 220km/s rg = rt**1.5*sqrt(3*220**2/(g*totmass)) write (6,*) totmass, rg, kt, select(nb/2,nb,alist), & select(nb/2,nb,elist) stop end c c real function funcd(x,f,df) implicit none real x,f,df,ma,e common ma,e f = ma - x + e*sin(x) df = -1 + e*cos(x) return end c c FUNCTION select(k,n,arr) INTEGER k,n real arr(n) INTEGER i,ir,j,l,mid REAL a,temp l=1 ir=n 1 if(ir-l.le.1)then if(ir-l.eq.1)then if(arr(ir).lt.arr(l))then temp=arr(l) arr(l)=arr(ir) arr(ir)=temp endif endif select=arr(k) return else mid=(l+ir)/2 temp=arr(mid) arr(mid)=arr(l+1) arr(l+1)=temp if(arr(l+1).gt.arr(ir))then temp=arr(l+1) arr(l+1)=arr(ir) arr(ir)=temp endif if(arr(l).gt.arr(ir))then temp=arr(l) arr(l)=arr(ir) arr(ir)=temp endif if(arr(l+1).gt.arr(l))then temp=arr(l+1) arr(l+1)=arr(l) arr(l)=temp endif i=l+1 j=ir a=arr(l) 3 continue i=i+1 if(arr(i).lt.a)goto 3 4 continue j=j-1 if(arr(j).gt.a)goto 4 if( 5 temp=arr(i) arr(i)=arr(j) arr(j)=temp goto 3 5 arr(l)=arr(j) arr(j)=a if( if(j.le.k)l=i endif goto 1 END C (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software ]vrt43D04. c c real FUNCTION RAN2(IDUM) PARAMETER (M=714025,IA=1366,IC=150889,RM=1.4005112E-6) DIMENSION IR(97) DATA IFF /0/ IF(IDUM.LT.0.OR.IFF.EQ.0)THEN IFF=1 IDUM=MOD(IC-IDUM,M) DO 11 J=1,97 IDUM=MOD(IA*IDUM+IC,M) IR(J)=IDUM 11 CONTINUE IDUM=MOD(IA*IDUM+IC,M) IY=IDUM ENDIF J=1+(97*IY)/M IF(J.GT.97.OR.J.LT.1)PAUSE IY=IR(J) RAN2=IY*RM IDUM=MOD(IA*IDUM+IC,M) IR(J)=IDUM RETURN END c c real FUNCTION RTNEWT(FUNCD,X1,X2,XACC) PARAMETER (JMAX=20) RTNEWT=.5*(X1+X2) DO 11 J=1,JMAX CALL FUNCD(RTNEWT,F,DF) DX=F/DF RTNEWT=RTNEWT-DX IF((X1-RTNEWT)*(RTNEWT-X2).LT.0.)PAUSE 'jumped out of brackets' IF(ABS(DX).LT.XACC) RETURN 11 CONTINUE PAUSE 'RTNEWT exceeding maximum iterations' END