Kyoto II

Completed calculations

Run Date Persons Software Hardware Restrictions
1 10 August 2001 D.C. Heggie NBODY4 GRAPE 4 Inert binaries, no stellar evolution, 64% complete
2 18 September 2001 S.F. Portegies Zwart Starlab GRAPE6 Inert binaries, stellar evolution
3 18 September 2001 D.C. Heggie NBODY4 GRAPE4 Inert binaries, stellar evolution, 83% complete
4 ~30 September 2001 S.F.  Portegies Zwart Starlab GRAPE6 Inert binaries, no stellar evolution
5 21 October 2001 J. Hurley NBODY4 GRAPE6 None; 80% complete by 21/11/1
6 11 September 2002 H. Baumgardt NBODY4 GRAPE6 Inert binaries, no stellar evolution
7 18 September 2002 H. Baumgardt NBODY4 GRAPE6 Inert binaries, stellar evolution
8 17 February 2003 J. Hurley NBODY4 GRAPE6 No restrictions
9 4 March 2003 D.C. Heggie NBODY4 GRAPE4 Pure stellar dynamics
10 16 May 2003 D.C. Heggie Starlab 3.5 GRAPE4 No restrictions
11 26 May 2003 E. Vesperini NBODY4 GRAPE6 Inert binaries, stellar evolution
12 25 June 2003 R. Spurzem NBODY6++ PC cluster No stellar evolution
13 3 July 2003 R. Spurzem NBODY6++ PC cluster Cambridge/Hurley stellar evolution
Click on the number in the first column (where activated) to see details of available results.

Note: calculations still underway are in italics

Summary data

Mass against time (gif:6k)