Edinburgh Mathematical Society

Conference: Scotland's Mathematical Heritage - Napier to Clerk Maxwell, 20-21 July 1995

A meeting of three societies: the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, the British Society for the History of Mathematics, and the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Scots have made a contribution to world mathematics which is out of all proportion to the country's population. In this meeting, three societies have come together to raise awareness of the enormous contributions of Scottish mathematicians. The talks, given by leading experts in the field, will feature many of the major figures and others less known and set them in the context of their times. Although scholarly, the talks will be accessible to all with a general mathematical knowledge: familiarity with the history of mathematics is not assumed and we hope that students and members of the public, as well as professional mathematicians, will find much to engage and interest them.

The meeting will be held in the rooms of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 22, George Street, Edinburgh and advance registration is essential. It will begin at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday July 20th and will end in the late afternoon of Friday July 21st. A reception will be held in Napier's former home, Merchiston Tower. The following have provisionally accepted invitations to speak: J. Barrow-Green (Open Univ.), J. Fauvel (Open Univ.), J. Forfar (J.C. Maxwell Foundation), J. Grabiner (Claremont, California), I. Grattan-Guinness (Univ. of Middlesex), A. Malet (Barcelona), R. Rankin (Univ. of Glasgow), S Russ (Univ. of Warwick), C. Smith (Univ. of Kent), I. Tweddle (Univ. of Strathclyde), D.T. Whiteside (Univ. of Cambridge). Additionally, some time will be available for shorter communications (of about 15 minutes): if you wish to offer such a contribution, please send a title and brief abstract no later than April 30th.

To reserve a place, please return form below, together with your registration fee, to Prof. A.D.D. Craik, Mathematical Institute, North Haugh, University of St.Andrews, St.Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS, Scotland.

Please make cheques (in sterling only) payable to "The University of St.Andrews", crossed "History of Maths". The registration fee for the meeting is £35 (reduced to £25 for members/fellows of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, the British Society for the History of Mathematics or the Royal Society of Edinburgh) and covers the cost of teas, coffees, buffet lunch on 21st July, reception, conference literature and administration.

You may wish to make your own arrangements for accommodation in Edinburgh, but if you require assistance or advice please let us know. Further information can be obtained from:

Prof A D D Craik, Mathematical Institute, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS
Dr J G Fauvel, Faculty of Mathematics, The Open University, Milton Keynes




I wish to attend the meeting on 20 - 21 July and enclose a registration fee for (£35 / £25 *)
(* Please state the sponsoring society of which you are a fellow or member.)

I (wish / do not wish) information on accommodation in Edinburgh:
I intend to submit an Abstract of a short communication, provisionally entitled:

Return to: Prof A D D Craik, Mathematical Institute, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS. (addc@st-andrews.ac.uk)

last updated 22 April 1995
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Chris Eilbeck / Heriot-Watt University / chris@ma.hw.ac.uk