"On self equivalences of p-completed classifying spaces" by Ran Levi (Aberdeen) This is a survey talk on joint work with C. Broto. Let G be a finite group. Study the mod-p homotopy type of the classifying space BG from the point of view of its cohomology algebra over the Steenrod algebra, enhanced by the action of the higher Bockstein operators. It is not known whether or not cohomology in this enhanced sense determines the respective homotopy type. In attempting to study this problem we produce examples where the answer to this question is positive and point out some of the difficulties involved. The study incorporates understanding other spaces of classical interest in homotopy theory. Furthermore, it motivates studying the concept of the so called homotopy group extensions, which are, as the name suggests, homotopy theoretic analogues of ordinary group extensions. We present a program for studying such extensions and their classification, which is motivated by the algebraic theory of group extensions, and prove some partial results.