4PM on Tuesdays, Room 5325, starting October 7.

Reidemeister torsion was invented in the 1930's as a tool for studying the topology of 3-dimensional manifolds, such as lens spaces. In the 1950's and 1960's it was incorporated into the theory of Whitehead torsion, and was applied to high-dimensional manifold theory. In the last two years it has returned in the study of low-dimensional manifolds, via a possible connection with the 3-dimensional analogue of the original 4-dimensional Seiberg-Witten invariants.

We plan a reading seminar to learn about Reidemeister torsion and its applications, with a view to understanding some of the following papers:

(There will be no meeting in the week November 24-29. Victor Buchstaber will talk at 4PM on Tuesday, 25th November in Room 5325 on "Toric manifolds and complex cobordism").

Andrew Ranicki

Justin Roberts